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Getting started
Product design
Within the product design sector you could be looking at a wide range of occupations. Prospects has a useful list of job profiles each containing relevant information about key responsibilities, skill requirements, starting salaries, entry requirements, career prospects with links to major employers and current graduate vacancies.
Potential Job roles
Job roles in this sector include (but are not restricted to):
Creating a Portfolio
You can start building up a portfolio of work while you're an undergraduate student. Your portfolio should:
provide examples of your own ideas as well as your coursework
demonstrate your evolving skills - so remember to add to this with any work experience you get.
Use the advice and tips in our product design portfolio guide to choose the type of portfolio that will work for you.

Keeping up to date with the industry
As part of your job-hunting strategy you will need to keep up to date on developments in this sector and keep track of any vacancies that are coming up. Below are some key resources to help you research opportunities available. The knowledge gained through your research may help you to target your applications and will help when preparing for interviews.
- British Industrial Design Association - A not-for-profit organisation which is committed to improving creative skills and knowledge for professionals and graduates working in product, interaction and service design.
- Design Business Association - A trade association for persons seeking a career or working in the field of design.
- Dezeen - An online resource for the product design industry; providing the latest news and features, and details on new products and forthcoming events.
- Institution of Engineering Designers - A professional engineering institution which represents those working in the fields of Engineering and Technological Product Design.
- Redshift - A site which provides information on news, trends and events of interest in the creative, product design, engineering and manufacturing world.
- TARGETjobs - Provides information and advice for graduate industrial/product designers. Find out what industry sectors you can work in, how much you could earn and how to apply for jobs.
- The Design and Technology Association - A site which provides knowledge and information on living and working in the designed and made world.
- The Guardian UK - An insight into the top design, manufacturing and engineering employers.