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CVs and cover letters
Writing a strong CV and perfecting your cover letters
An employer's first impression of you is often based on your CV and cover letter. That's why it's so important to have a clear and easy-to-tailor CV and cover letter template in your job search.
This section provides a simple toolkit for creating and tailoring your CV, information about writing the perfect cover letter, and an online service to check your CV 24/7.
CV Club
Every Wednesday during term-time
Sometimes a 20-minute appointment isn't enough. That's why we offer our CV Club every Wednesday
Grab a coffee and bring your laptop to the Careers Centre between 1.00pm-4.00pm to work on your CV in a relaxed environment. Our advisers are on hand to guide you through the next steps you need to improve your CV, so you can work at your own pace.
No need to book! Just come along between 1.00pm-4.00pm on Wednesdays

CV Writing Toolkit

Creative and alternative CVs


Writing a Cover Letter

Creating a portfolio

Research an employer

Explore careers essentials
Follow our guide to completing application forms and sending speculative applications in order to stand out to employers.

Interviews, assessment centres and tests
Find out more about preparing for different types of interviews, assessment centres, presentations and psychometric tests.

LinkedIn Guide
Build you LinkedIn profile to develop an online network of professionals in your chosen career sector.