From registration to graduation
Here's everything you need to know about your course and your studies.
Register for your course, pay your fees, apply for extenuating circumstances, get proof of your student status, and apply for financial support. Many of the services for your course are on your Student View. You can get help with how to use Student View here on MyPort.
Get help through the MyPort Information Hub
If you're a current student, the MyPort Hub is your first port of call for any aspect of University life. From questions about your course, to what support services are available to you - contact the MyPort team to find what you need:
- Live chat - which appears as a purple box in the bottom right of all MyPort web pages
- Email - myport@port.ac.uk
Phone - +44 (0)23 9284 4444
In person - University House, Winston Churchill Ave, Southsea, Portsmouth PO1 2UP
Opening hours
The MyPort Hub team is available from 8.30am to 5.00pm Monday to Thursday, and from 8.30am to 4.00pm on Friday.
Your course information
- Student View – see your module and course marks, manage your details, payments and more
- Moodle – your course materials
- Timetable – see your timetable of lectures, seminars and teaching sessions
- Engagement and attendance – scan your card or log in to record your attendance
- Faculties, schools and departments – find out more about your faculty and our academic structure
Exams and assessments – help for your exams, plus assessment regulations
Extenuating circumstances – what to do if your health or personal life affect your studies
Academic appeals – how to lodge an appeal and request a review of your mark
Your uni software
Gmail – your student email account
Google Calendar – your student calendar
Google Drive – your cloud storage
Practical stuff
Key dates – check important term dates, including consolidation weeks, Christmas and Easter
Maps and directions – find your way around campus
Fees and payments – pay your tuition fees, and financial support
Update your details – let us know if you've moved house or if your contact details have changed
Student Cards – how to get your student card, or order a replacement
Graduation – your guide to your big day
Leaving the University or your course – what to do if you're thinking about withdrawing from or suspending your course, or transferring to a new one
Getting help at the MyPort Information Hub
Your starting point for help with everything from finding your way around campus to managing your coursework and classes.

Study Anywhere
Find out how to connect to the University virtually, store your files online, attend online lectures and get IT training.

University Policies and Standards
If you'd like to see our University policies on everything from student mental health through to equality and diversity, search here.