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Are you thinking about changing your course, taking a study break or leaving the University?
Haven’t started your course yet?
This information is for current University of Portsmouth students. If you have not started your course and wish to make a change you should contact our Admissions Teams:
- UK applicants - admissions@port.ac.uk
- International applicants - globaladmissions@port.ac.uk
Deciding to take a study break, changing course or leave the University can be a big decision. Explore your options by getting advice from us before finalising your plans.
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- Changing your course - transferring to a different University of Portsmouth course
- Taking a study break - suspending or interrupting your studies for up to a year
- Leaving the University - withdrawing from your course
- Useful contacts - who to talk to about your options
Changing your course (Transfer)
You can request a transfer from one University of Portsmouth course to another. However if you are studying on a Student Visa your visa conditions may not allow you to make the change you request.
Depending on the course you wish to change to, you may be eligible to transfer credit you have been previously awarded. However, in some cases no credit may be transferred and you will have to study all modules on your new course.
Guidance on changing your course
First, contact your current Course Leader, and also the Course Leader of the course you want to change to. Both course leaders must agree that the transfer is the right move academically, that you meet the requirements, and that you can transfer to the new course at that time.
Once you have spoken with your Personal Tutor or Course Leader, you can make your request via your Student View. When logged in, look at the right hand side of your screen for your options.
If you are studying on a Student Visa you should consider the following points:
- Your visa conditions may not allow you to make the change you would like;
- To find out whether your change of course is allowed for your Student Visa, email registration@port.ac.uk;
- You must seek guidance on your visa conditions from the International Student Advice team;
- Depending on your request, if it is approved, you may be required to leave the UK to make a new visa application before you can start the course and you may need to suspend your studies to do this;
- If your request is approved for your visa and by the departments, we will report the change to UK Visa and Immigration (UKVI).
If you transfer to a course with a different tuition fee, you will be billed accordingly:
- For the previous course up to the liability point that applies to the time of the change;
- Plus the tuition fee for the new course from the liability point that applies to the time of the change.
You will find full information on liability periods in our Tuition Fee Policy.
If you receive a tuition fees or maintenance loan from the Student Loans Company, you will need to tell them if your request to change courses is approved so they can confirm what funding is available to you. The University will inform the Student Loans Company once your student record has been updated.
If you have been excluded from the University of Portsmouth, or have left the university, you will need to reapply through Admissions.
If the department you are joining wants to credit modules you have already achieved, the RPL process will be initiated by the department.
Taking a study break (Suspension)
Suspension or interruption is a temporary break in your studies, for up to a year.
If you are thinking about taking a break from your studies, you should discuss this with your Personal Tutor, Course Leader or the MyPort Information Hub as soon as possible. Getting advice and support is important.
If you are on a Student Visa you should seek advice from the International Student Advice Team.
You must give the University two week’s notice of when you wish to start your study break. Your return date will usually be the start of an academic year or teaching block.
You will be suspended from all modules on your course, including assessments.
While suspended you will not have access to any University resources such as the Library or your computer account.
You will however have access to your University email account, and should regularly check for updates from the University.
Guidance on taking a study break
Once you have spoken with your Personal Tutor or Course Leader, you can make your request via your Student View.
Your course team will consider your request, and will contact you via your University email account.
If you are studying on a Student Visa you should consider the following points:
- If your request is approved, you will need to leave the UK whilst you are on your study break;
- We will report to UK Visa and Immigration (UKVI) that you are on a study break which will cancel your visa;
- Before you return to study, you will need to request a new CAS and make a new visa application outside the UK to return from your study break.
- You must contact the International Student Advice Team for further information about how this will affect your visa.
You'll be charged a tuition fee instalment after two weeks of the course start date. This includes induction week. If you're a new student, you're not able to take a study break in the first two weeks of the course start date. If you do request a break, this will be treated as a withdrawal or deferral of study to the next academic year.
Tuition fees are based on the date of your study break starting and liability periods, as explained in our Tuition Fee Policy. When you return to your studies, you will be charged a fee based upon the number of outstanding modules you need to take.
Tuition fees are not normally refunded to students on study breaks. Paid fees are usually carried forward for when you return. If you require a refund of these fees contact feeenquiries@port.ac.uk.
There is no need to reapply to the University after your break, if it was approved.
A date for returning to your studies will have been confirmed when you requested the break. It will usually be the start of an academic year or teaching block.
Your student record will be reactivated and you will need to complete Registration on your return - including online registration, tuition fee payment and ID check (for international students). We will inform the Student Loans Company when you have completed your registration.
If you are studying on a Student Visa, you will need to request a new CAS and make a new student visa application to return. For further guidance please contact the International Student Advice team.
Leaving the University (Withdrawal)
Leaving the University permanently ends your studies with us. If you wish to return in the future you must reapply to the University and there is no guarantee of re-admittance.
If you are considering leaving the University and your course altogether, please contact your Personal Tutor, Course Leader or the MyPort Information Hub to discuss your options. If you are on a Student Visa you should seek advice from the International Student Advice team.
Guidance on leaving the University
Once you’ve spoken to a member of staff, if you decide to proceed with leaving the University, please use the form on your Student View.
If you are studying on a Student Visa you should consider the following points:
- If you leave your course, you will need to leave the UK;
- We will report to UK Visa and Immigration (UKVI) that you are no longer studying at the University and they will cancel your visa.
You should contact the International Student Advice Team for further information about how withdrawing from your studies will affect your visa.
Your tuition fee liability will be based on the date of withdrawal and liability periods. The withdrawal date is the 'date of last attendance' and this will be the date the withdrawal form is submitted by you. The liability periods are explained in our Tuition Fee Policy.
If you are receiving tuition fee or maintenance loans from the Student Loans Company, you should inform Student Finance that you have withdrawn from your studies. We will also inform them. If you are leaving the University of Portsmouth to go to another University to continue your studies please select the reason 'Moving to another Institution' when completing the Withdrawal Request Form and we will inform them of this.
Useful contacts for advice on your course
Get help through the MyPort Information Hub
If you're a current student, the MyPort Hub is your first port of call for any aspect of University life. From questions about your course, to what support services are available to you - contact the MyPort team to find what you need:
- Live chat - which appears as a purple box in the bottom right of all MyPort web pages
- Email - myport@port.ac.uk
Phone - +44 (0)23 9284 4444
In person - University House, Winston Churchill Ave, Southsea, Portsmouth PO1 2UP
Opening hours
The MyPort Hub team is available from 8.30am to 5.00pm Monday to Thursday, and from 8.30am to 4.00pm on Friday.
International Student Advice Team
If you are studying on a Student Visa, you should contact the International Student Advice Team for information about how your options will affect your visa. You can email them at international.student.adviser@port.ac.uk. You can also contact the team by phone on +44 (0) 23 9284 5430, or in person at University House, Winston Churchill Avenue, Portsmouth, PO1 2UP, UK. Their opening hours for drop-ins are Monday to Friday 10.00am - 3.00pm.
Your Personal Tutor
Your personal tutor can help you and offer advice if you have any difficulties in your course, and help you find who you need to speak to in your department or across the University.
Student Union Advice Service
These specially-trained advisors can help you navigate the University's policies and procedures. They offer confidential, impartial and non-judgemental support.

Contact your support services
Find out who to reach out to about your course, support needs and other questions about uni. Whether you'd like academic guidance, tips for your wellbeing, or support finding a job or home, our teams can help.