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Supporting you through university
Your personal tutor will support you academically and personally during your studies
Your personal tutor is here to support you throughout your studies and help you get the most out of your time studying.
Your tutor is an academic member of staff in your department who is committed to helping you reach your potential at university. They'll support you throughout your degree.
Your tutor can give you academic advice for certain aspects of your course, support you personally, write you a reference and discuss your career options with you. They're well-connected and have links to other departments at the University and links to professionals and companies.
Your tutor should be the first person you speak to at University if you have any difficulties, especially if they impact your studies. You can speak to your tutor about academic issues, financial problems, health-related worries, or another type of problem. They'll support you or direct you to other University services if you need them. We have services including counsellors, careers advisers, disability advisers, and immigration, housing, money and welfare specialists.
How your personal tutor can help you
Your personal tutor can:
- help you adjust to being a student
- provide guidance, support and encouragement
- share their expertise
- discuss your academic progress with you
- help develop your independent learning skills
- support you if difficulties arise and direct you to specialist services or support if needed
- be a single point of contact between you and the University
answer any questions you have about the University or your studies
write you an academic reference
What your personal tutor can help with
The issues below may impact your time at University. Click on the plus symbol beside each issue to see how your tutor can support you.
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Meeting your personal tutor
You should meet your personal tutor in the first week of your studies. If you aren't contacted to meet your tutor in your first week, you should email them to say hello and arrange a meeting. Suggest some times that you're free in your email, or check their office hours and drop in to see them then.
Students say meeting with your tutor regularly is a chance to evaluate your learning, review your academic progress and discuss your general wellbeing throughout your studies. You might meet your tutor face-to-face or virtually, including a mix of individual and group sessions. You should aim to meet your personal tutor at least once each term, or more frequently if you're experiencing difficulties that impact your studies.
What will we talk about?
Discussions with your personal tutor will focus on how you're adjusting to university life, your academic progress and goals, any difficulties you experience, and what opportunities you're taking part in. You could talk about your results and general feedback as well. This could help you identify themes appearing across your assignments to help you explore your strengths and weaknesses in your studies.
The cards below highlight some of the subjects you can discuss with your tutor.
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Do I still need to meet with my tutor if everything is okay?
You should meet with your tutor even if you don't have problems. Tutorials are a chance to reflect on your general progress and your successes, and identify other opportunities you would enjoy. Meeting your tutor regularly also helps to build up your relationship with them, which will help if you need support later in your studies or want to ask them for a reference after you graduate.
Can my personal tutor help if I'm finding academic work difficult?
Your tutor will help you with academic issues. They can help you improve your study skills and direct you to further help if you need it. Your tutor will encourage you to develop academic skills improve your work rather than helping you complete a specific assignment, and can also discuss your feedback from past assignments with you.
I'm disabled. Does my tutor have to know?
It's your choice whether to tell your personal tutor about a disability. Our Additional Support and Disability Advice Centre will support you if your disability is impacting your studies or if you require adjustments to support your learning. We recommend you consider sharing issues or adjustments with your tutor too so they can support you from within your department. Any information you share with your tutor is treated sensitively and won't be shared with others without seeking your consent first.
Do I have to tell my tutor if I'm having personal difficulties?
You can decide whether to discuss any personal issues with your tutor. If your personal difficulties are likely to affect your studies we encourage you to discuss them with your tutor so they can support you. You tutor can support you directly and discuss what additional support services are available to you, such as the Student Wellbeing Service.
Visa questions?
If you are experiencing issues concerning your visa, then you need to contact the International Student Advice team. Your personal tutor will not be able to advise you about visa issues but they will want to know if this is affecting your academic work. Examples include interrupting your studies, transferring to a new course and withdrawing from the University.
What if my personal tutor isn’t available?
If you've tried to meet your personal tutor and they aren't available, contact the senior tutor in your department. Senior tutors oversee personal tutoring in each department and can help you connect with your tutor or identify an alternative tutor if necessary.
Further support
Support tutors and advisors
Our support tutors help you learn and develop the key study skills you need.

Academic Skills Support
Develop your understanding, thinking, writing and organisational skills at the Academic Skills Unit.

Additional support and disability advice
Get confidential advice and support on disability-related issues from our Additional Support and Disability Advice Centre (ASDAC).