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- Personal tutors
- Faculty of Business and Law: Learning Support Tutors
- Faculty of Creative and Cultural Industries: Learning Support Tutors
- Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences: Student Support and Development Team
- Faculty of Science and Health: Student Support Teams
- Faculty of Technology: Academic Tutors

Academic Skills Tutors
Learn and develop the key skills you need to make the most of your studies
The Faculty of Business and Law has a team of Academic Skills Tutors and Student Engagement Officers who can help you improve and develop your academic skills and offer personal support and advice.
Academic Skills support
Academic Skills Tutors can help you in any area related to your academic, scholarship and study skills.
Services include:
- Support with academic writing for tasks such as essays, reports and dissertations
- Tips on delivering presentations and working in groups, including observing and filming presentations
- Support with understanding and using your assignment feedback
- 1-to-1 or small group tutorials
- Help with managing your time and workload
- Support and advice about effective revision and exam techniques
- Study Huddles and Writing Retreats to support students with motivation and overcome procrastination
Contact us
To contact an Academic Skills Tutor, please email bal-ast@port.ac.uk or use our website.
Personal support and advice
Our Student Engagement Officers provide personal support and advice to all students in the Faculty of Business and Law, so you can make the most of your time with us.
You can see one of our officers for a confidential chat about a particular problem you might be experiencing or to get advice about using the services available to you.
Some of the areas they offer advice on include:
- Wellbeing, stress, motivational problems
- Accessing financial and housing support
- Dealing with personal problems
- Assistance with Extenuating Circumstance Forms
- Accessing support for health and disability issues
- Integrating into the University or Faculty
The Student Engagement Officers operate independently from your course staff, so course staff won't contact them without your permission.
You can make an appointment with our Student Engagement Officers by emailing them at balengagement@port.ac.uk or calling on +44 (0)23 9284 4155 or +44 (0)23 9284 4070. You're always welcome to drop by our office at Room 1.12 in Richmond Building.
English language support
The School of Languages and Area Studies (SLAL) runs a Global Cafe for students from all faculties to mix and practice speaking English in a fun environment. It's held in the cafe of Park Building every Wednesday afternoon 1.00pm – 2.00pm during term time.
BAL Digital
BAL Digital promotes an effective, inclusive and engaging digital learning experience for Faculty of Business and Law staff and students, and supports the implementation of the University’s Digital Success Plan for Learning and Teaching. As a key part of this, our aim is to help staff develop their own skills, in order to facilitate their ongoing teaching practice.
Contact baldigital@port.ac.uk for support or further detail about BAL Digital.