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- Faculty of Creative and Cultural Industries: Learning Support Tutors
- Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences: Student Support and Development Team
- Faculty of Science and Health: Student Support Teams
- Faculty of Technology: Academic Tutors

One-to-one support
We'll help you develop your study skills during your degree
There is lots of support available during your studies. Find out more about your personal tutor and how they can help you, and the support available in your faculty. If you're looking for support with general academic skills such as time-planning, writing and referencing, visit our Academic Support page.
Personal tutors

Your personal tutor will:
- provide guidance and encouragement
- share their expertise
- discuss your academic progress with you
- help develop your independent learning skills
- support you if difficulties arise
- answer any questions you have about the University or your studies
Faculty support
If you're looking to develop your academic skills and enhance your uni work, our learning support tutors can help. Each faculty has a team of staff with the knowledge and expertise to give you the right support when you need it. Some faculties offer additional support with things like impartial advice and extenuating circumstances.
Tutors can offer you guidance to improve your current skill set or develop new skills relevant to your course. You can work with tutors in bookable 1-to-1 sessions, small group tutorials, drop-in sessions and group skills workshops.
Explore the pages below to find out more about the support available in your faculty.
Academic Skills Support
Develop your understanding, thinking, writing and organisational skills at the Academic Skills Unit.

Revision and exams
Improve your revision techniques and develop your learning style.