B Roll shoot

Next steps and support

If you haven't done as well as expected, there are still options.

Don’t miss out: check your emails

It’s important to check your University email for messages about assessment and your status. There may be important information about results, deadline dates, appeals, Graduation, etc.

If you haven’t passed yet, please read on

Following the Board of Examiners you will see from your results on your Student View what your outcome is and if you are not yet progressing or receiving an award, because of outstanding assessments to be completed.

No matter what your circumstances there are steps you can take to work towards improving your results

  1. Be clear about your assessment outcome - see details below to understand your results
  2. Be sure that you know what work needs to be done and when - for referral and deferral
  3. Ask for help, if you are not sure about any aspect of your assessment or if you need any kind of support

What happens next?

The University allocates a block of time as a ‘resit period’ for referral and deferral assessments. This is normally a standard three week period starting from the Monday after the exam board meets.

If you have resit examinations, the information about timings for the exams will appear on your timetable. Please check your timetable carefully to be sure that you don’t miss an exam.

Understanding your results

Some of the most common results - and what they mean - are listed below

You have either not achieved the pass mark or not attempted one or more assessments, which has caused you to fail one or more modules. You have been permitted another attempt at the modules in question.

The referral/s (resit/s) will take place during the refer period (See Key Dates). You can view your referred modules on the ‘My Assessment Marks’ page of your Student View. All marks from referral assessments will be capped at the Pass Mark for the module.

You've been permitted another attempt at one or more of your modules with valid extenuating circumstances or because of a course management issue. You can view your deferred modules on the ‘My Assessment Marks’ page of your Student View.

Marks from deferral assessments are not capped.

You have a combination of modules that have not yet been passed, both referred and deferred. Please see the Referred and Deferred information above for an explanation.

Please be sure to check the individual assessment results because you may need to do more than one assessment for each module.

You may be referred and deferred within the same module. This means that you had valid Extenuating Circumstances for at least one of the assessments but no Extenuating Circumstances for one (or more) of the other failed assessments. If you need to complete all assessments in a module, your mark for the Referred work will be capped but your mark for the Deferred work will not be capped. Your overall module mark will not be capped.

You are only permitted to do the deferred assessments, and not referrals. This also means that if you have both Refer and Defer in a module, you are only permitted to do the deferred assessments and not referrals in that module. Please contact your faculty's MyPort Information Hub if you are unsure about your result.

You will be studying at the same level again in the next academic year, instead of progressing or completing. The Board of Examiners will decide whether the deferred repeat is with or without attendance.

You are required to repeat failed modules in the next academic session, without progressing onto the next stage of your course.

Frequently Asked Questions

Information about assessment requirements is normally on the module’s Moodle site. If the assessment information is not on Moodle your MyPort Hub will provide details.

All refer/defer work is due by the end of the refer/defer (resit) period, details for your assessment will be on Moodle, and you may have an exam to take.

If you have resit examinations the information about timings for the exams will appear on your timetable. Please check your timetable carefully to be sure that you don’t miss an exam.

See explanation above for the decision of Referred & Deferred.

Repeat or Deferred Repeat status means that you cannot progress to the next level of your course. You must study again at the same level in order to re-take and pass your failed modules in the next academic period.

You can submit an Extenuating Circumstances form if you were unable to complete your refer/defer assessments during the resit period for any reason. This does not extend the deadline, but it may allow the Board of Examiners a wider range of decisions, e.g. compensation or Deferred Repeat.

The deadline to submit Extenuating Circumstances forms for the refer/defer period will be listed on the University’s Key Dates webpage.

As an undergraduate student you will be eligible to attend a graduation ceremony if you have achieved at least 300 credits, including at least 60 at level 6. This will be where you are undertaking resits, to complete referral or deferral assessment.

If you are a Postgraduate student, you can only attend graduation when you have achieved all credits for the full award.

Referral marks will be capped at the assessment pass mark; Deferral marks will not be capped. 

Any referred assessment artefact will be capped at the pass mark. If any other artefacts were passed at the first attempt, these marks will be used to calculate the overall module mark. The module mark is not capped. This means that if you have more than one assessment artefact, the module may have a mark above a pass threshold.

On most courses you will only be asked to repeat the modules you have failed.  If you have passed a module, you will not need to repeat that module in the next academic year.

In some cases, professional body requirements mean that the course has an exemption from academic regulations and you will have to repeat the full year, even if you have only failed some modules. You will be contacted directly if this is the case.

For students repeating units during the 2024/25 academic year, please use our repeat fee calculator to confirm your fee.

Further Repeat fee information can be found on our website.If you have any queries regarding your tuition fee, please email feeenquiries@port.ac.uk.

There will be no fee for a deferred repeat taken in 2022/23 or 2023/24. However from 2024/25, there will be a pro-rata fee based on the number of credits being taken. So if you are unable to take your resits during the summer of 2024 and are coming back in September 2024 or January 2025, you will be charged accordingly.

As the first step, please contact your MyPort Hub to arrange an appointment with the Chair of the Board of Examiners to discuss the assessment outcome. This should be within 10 working days of receiving your results. For more information, please visit our Academic Appeals webpage.

There will be no fee for students where the Board has confirmed a repeat with no attendance. The exception to this is a repeat of the dissertation, and the standard repeat fee will be charged.

Support available to you

Personal tutors

Your personal tutor is here to support you throughout your studies and help you get the most out of your time studying and should be the first person you speak to at University if you have any difficulties.
Student sat in chair smiling at another person
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Student Wellbeing Service

Confidential support and advice. Learn more about the help we offer for a range of personal and emotional concerns.
Students getting health and wellbeing support
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Additional support and disability advice

Advice and support for any student or applicant who discloses a disability or additional learning need.
Students socialising in cafe
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Academic Skills Support

Develop your understanding, thinking, writing and organisational skills at the Academic Skills Unit.

Female student smiling
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Getting help at the MyPort Information Hub

Your starting point for help with everything from finding your way around campus to managing your coursework and classes.

Student visiting the MyPort Information Hub
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University Library

Our Library is home to a vast array of publications you'll need for your studies, including rare archives and special book collections.

Postgrad students
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