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Key terms for your assessments
There's a lot of terminology around exams and assessment that has a precise meaning - we explain the key terms here.
If you can't find the term you're looking for here, you may want to explore the university-wide glossary, or speak to your personal tutor.
End Point Assessment (EPA)
EPA is the final stage of an apprenticeship. It is an impartial assessment of the apprentices Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours (KSBs) where they demonstrate their competence and skills within the job they work. Some EPAs are integrated into the apprentices degree, where the University is the End Point Assessment Organisation (EPAO). Other EPAs are non-integrated and external assessment organisations are used.
Academic Integrity
Academic Integrity is the moral code of academia. It's about being honest and truthful about which ideas belong to you and which come from others, and about the methods and results of your research.
Capped Mark
A capped mark means that the maximum mark you can receive for the piece of assessment is the module pass threshold. For undergraduate courses this is set at 40.
An exemption is typically referring to a deviation or exception from a standard rule or requirement outlined in the Assessment Regulations. When a university exemption panel grants an exemption, it signifies that they have reviewed the situation and determined that adhering to the standard rule would not be appropriate for the specific course. Instead, they believe that a different arrangement or condition is necessary for valid reasons. These exemptions are often granted based on requirements from a PSRB.
First Attempt
A first attempt relates to the first time a student has engaged with and submitted an assessment
Late Submission
A late submission is when a student submits an assessment after the hand-in deadline and after the automatic extension period.
Plagiarism means using someone else’s work without giving them proper credit. In academic writing for example, plagiarising involves using works, ideas, or information from a source without citing it correctly. It is linked to poor Academic Integrity, see above.
Professional, Statutory, and Regulatory Body (PSRB)
PSRBs are external bodies which accredit, recognise or approve courses, many of which lead to a professional or vocational qualification or exemption from a professional examination.
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