The purpose of this glossary is to help define University acronyms and commonly used terms.  Any terms defined are University specific and widely used.  We have not listed anything that was too specific to a single area or any terms that are considered dictionary definitions.  

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z





  1. (noun) Somebody who is engaged in teaching and/or research
  2. (adjective) Relating to education and scholarship

Academic Cycle

A sequence of events which take place annually across the University. The student journey touches on several annual cycles from recruitment to graduation

Access Management

The process of managing a user’s login and access across a wide range of applications, systems, and resources belonging to an organisation


Synonym: Alumna, Alumnus

Former students of the University of Portsmouth who either achieved academic credits, graduated and/or completed a short course


Removal of personal identifiable information from a record such that the information cannot be reconstituted

Apex Framework

University accreditation process for academics run by the Advance HE organisation awarding staff with Associate Fellow, Fellow and Senior Fellow status

Applicant Deferral

When an applicant is approved to register in an academic year subsequent to the one in which their application has been processed


An individual responsible for submitting an Application


  1. (verb) The term ‘archive’ is often used to describe records that are no longer in daily use, but which have a valid reason to be retained and are stored separately from an office’s current files
  2. (noun) The term is also applied to records that are to be kept permanently because they have historical value (see the life cycle of records). Archives provide evidence of the University’s most significant functions and activities, document its policy formation, and trace the development of its fabric and infrastructure (e.g. minutes and annual reports of the Board of Governors, strategic plans, financial reviews)

Assessment Task

Synonym: Artefacts, Selection Task/Activity

  1. Assessment tasks are designed to support and facilitate student learning and evidence achievement. These are the different types of assessment activity that students must complete in order to be awarded credit for the module, and typically take the form of either examinations or coursework. Each module can specify a number of assessment tasks
  2. Assessment tasks are also used to assess a person's skill level, e.g. recruitment of staff or students
  3. Assessment tasks can be either formative or summative

Assessment Weighting

This is the percentage contribution that the assessment task makes to the overall assessment for the module


  1. Something that is conferred to formally recognise achievement
  2. Payment made to a student from Support Funds, Bursaries or Scholarships


Business Architecture

A business blueprint of the University showing key components and how they interlink

Business Capability Model

Synonym: File Plan

Represents high-level views of an organisation from the perspective of its business capabilities. They are very stable and largely independent of specific organisational structures, reporting relationships, political agendas and cultural aspects of individual business leaders, current initiatives and projects

Business Owner

A person who is authorised to negotiate with LIS on behalf of their user group, service or business processes.



  1. (human) Someone accessing a service
  2. (system) A piece of technology that provides access to a system

Confirmation & Clearing

Confirmation is the period where the University receives their applicant's results and processes their application decisions. Clearing opens early July, and helps students without a confirmed place, and those who apply late, to find courses where there are still places available.


Week 7 of each teaching block, in which the students will not have their standard lectures and seminars. The time can be used for reading, self-directed activities, or events, which help to reinforce current learning and prepare for future modules.

Continuous Service

Period in months and years, starting from the Continuous service date, used to determine some specific benefits and/or entitlements. If there is a break in employment then normally none of the weeks or months before that date will count as continuous service. May include previous verified service from a qualifying employer.

Core Module

Synonym: Core Unit (Historic)

Core modules are those that must be undertaken by all students on a specified course


Synonym: Programme (Historic)

A programme of study with defined learning outcomes (includes taught, research, internal training courses or self-study) that may or may not lead to a qualification or award.

Course Category

Synonym: Course Group

A broad categorisation of courses, e.g. collaborative, undergraduate, postgraduate taught, research, non-award.

Course Specification

Synonym: Programme Specification Document (PSD), Course Specification Document (CSD), Course Definitive Document (CDD)

The Course Specification is the definitive description of what a student will study on a specific course. It is a legally binding document.


Coursework is an assessment type specified and assigned to students as part of their course either individually or in groups. Coursework excludes exams. Examples of coursework include computation exercises, lab reports, literature reviews, and research reports. This is not an exhaustive list.


Synonym: Module Credit

The numeric value assigned to each module, that measures the amount of learning required in order to complete it. To earn credit, a student must satisfy the assessment criteria for the module. Undergraduate modules are normally rated in multiples of 20 whereas postgraduate modules are normally rated in multiples of 15. Each credit point is equal to ½ ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) point and is equivalent to ten notional hours of student activity regardless of mode or location of study.


Data Breach

An incident in which personal data is disclosed when it should not be, or lost when still needed, and the disclosure or loss may result in damage to the data subject.

Data Owner

Accountable for the data within a specific Data Domain. They are responsible for ensuring that information within their Domain is governed across systems and lines of business.

Data Processing

Anything that can be done with personal data including obtaining, using, storing, amending, adding, archiving and deleting.

Data Steward

Synonym: Research Data Steward

  1. The Data Steward has the accountability for the day-to-day management of data in their Data Domain. They are the Subject Matter Experts who understand and communicate the meaning and use of information. They are responsible for working with other Stewards across the organisation.
  2. The Research Data Steward has the accountability for the day-to-day management of data in their Research Project.

Destroy Date

The date at which information needs to be destroyed as per the University Retention Schedule.


Synonym: Course Structure (Historic), Route

A diet is the technical term for the course structure available to students following a particular course of study. It is comprised of core and optional modules to create a balanced curriculum which follows the rules set out by the course leader.

Digital Obsolensence

Where information held electronically can no longer be accessed in any meaningful way because one or more of the hardware, software or storage media (required to render it comprehensible to humans) is no longer available due to damage, corruption or technological advancement.


External Examiner

External Examiners are independent & impartial advisers who are responsible for ensuring that awards and courses are of comparable standard to those of other higher education institutions.



Synonym: Fellowship

  1. Fellows in Higher Education (AdvanceHE) refers to a level of accreditation (like a teaching certification) that we award lecturers. They can be either: Associate Fellow (D1) Fellow (D2) Senior Fellow (D3) or Principal Fellow (D4)
  2. Fellow can mean a Teaching Fellow or Senior Teaching Fellow - this category of staff are on Teaching only contracts.
  3. Fellow can also be a status conferred on an individual by an external professional organisation, e.g. CIPD, etc.

Formative Assessment

Formative assessments are an integral part of teaching and learning. They do not contribute to the final mark given for the module; instead they contribute to learning through providing feedback.

Funding Organiser

Synonym: Funder

An external organisation who is either providing funding or has been approached for potential funding.



HR term to describe the pay band on the University's pay spine which determines the level of pay for a position at that grade.

Graduate Outcomes Survey

Synonym: Destination of Leavers from Higer Education (DLHE)

A survey of graduates about their activities and views around 15 months after they complete their studies, delivered by HESA using a number of external suppliers.


Historical Value

Items that meet the criteria for on-going preservation such as the University Archive's collecting policy & listed University buildings.


Independent Study

Independent study is the time that students should expect to engage with their subject outside of formally scheduled or timetabled activities.




Learning Outcome

Learning outcomes are statements of the knowledge, understanding and skills that a student will develop and demonstrate over the course of their engagement with an assessment task, module or course.

Synonym: Embargo (Objective Terminology)

Any kind of flag placed upon a record (electronic or physical) to denote that it is required as part of on-going litigation or an information disclosure request. Records subject to a legal hold must not be disposed, even if the retention schedule has expired, until the hold is lifted.


Synonym: Year, FHEQ Level, Stage

Qualifications comprise modules that are delivered and assessed at a particular level. The level indicates the relative academic demand, complexity of understanding, depth of learning, and degree of autonomy expected of the learner undertaking the module. Levels are aligned with the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications, and are described further in the SEEC Credit Level Descriptors for Higher Education. To move to the next level, a student must gain sufficient credits.

Level 3

Synonym: Foundation Year (Historic)

Level 3 denotes the academic level normally expected of a learner seeking entry to higher education. Level 3 outcomes apply to the award of A Levels, AS Levels, T Levels, Access to Higher Education Diplomas and International Baccalaureate Diplomas, for example.

Level 4

Synonym: Year 1 (Historic)

Level 4 denotes the academic level expected of a student on the first year of an undergraduate degree course. Level 4 outcomes apply to the award of Certificates of Higher Education (CertHE) and Higher National Certificates (HNC).

Level 5

Synonym: Year 2 (Historic)

Level 5 denotes the academic level expected of a student on the second year of an undergraduate degree course. Level 5 outcomes apply to the award of Foundation Degrees, Diplomas of Higher Education (DipHE), and Higher National Diplomas (HND).

Level 6

Synonym: Year 3 (Historic)

Level 6 denotes the academic level expected of a student on the final year of an undergraduate degree course. Level 6 outcomes apply to the award of Bachelors Degrees with Honours, Bachelors (Ordinary) Degrees, Graduate Certificates, Graduate Diplomas, and Professional Graduate Certificates in Education (PGCE).

Level 7

Synonym: PG Year 1 (Historic)

Level 7 denotes the academic level expected of a student on a postgraduate taught Masters course. Level 7 outcomes apply to the award of Masters degrees (including integrated Masters), Postgraduate Certificates (PgCert), Postgraduate Diplomas (PgDip), and Postgraduate Certificates in Education (PGCE).

Level 8

Synonym: PhD Year (Historic)

Level 8 denotes the academic level expected of a student at Doctoral level. Level 8 outcomes apply to the award of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and Professional Doctorate degrees.

Location of Study

The source from which module or course content is being delivered or provided. This will either be the University of Portsmouth, or one of the academic partners with whom the University collaborates, both in the UK or internationally.


Method of Delivery

How students will engage with their studies (e.g. campus-based, distance learning, block delivery) and the means by which learning takes place.

Mode of Attendance

The commitment with which a module or course is studied (e.g. full-time, part-time).

Mode of Study

This indicates how a module or course is delivered (e.g. full-time, part-time).


Synonym: Unit

A module is the smallest entity for a which a student can gain credit. Each module is assigned an academic level and number of credits. A student must satisfy the assessment criteria in order to be awarded the credit for the module. Partial credit cannot be obtained.



Optional Module

Synonym: Option Choices, Electives

Optional modules are presented to students as one of a number of available modules per course from which they may make a selection.

Organisational Unit

A way of segmenting an organisation into specialisms for the purpose of managing staff and carrying out university business, e.g. faculties, schools, department, institutes or research centres.


Payroll Number

Synonym: Personal Reference

A unique identifier for an individual that is being paid in the HR system. This number is located on the payslip.

Personal Data

Data that can identify a living individual including names, unique identifiers and includes opinions.


Part of a course or professional accreditation in which a student spends a defined amount of time in work environment relevant to their subject. The placement will meet set criteria and involve some form of assessment of the student's progress.

Professional Service

Synonym: Department

An organisational division of the University, usually grouping together teams of staff in similar/related professions (e.g. Finance, HR)



Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

Synonym: Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL)

Recognition of prior learning (RPL) allows you to convert your relevant comparable knowledge, skills and experience into credits you can put towards a qualification.


Synonym: Pre-requisites, Co-requisites

Modules may be linked by pre-requisites or co-requisites. Pre-requisites are modules that a student must have studied before progressing to another specified module. Co-requisites are modules that must be studied at the same time.

Research Activities

Achievements and activities such as editorial work, professional memberships, public engagement etc. This is principally self-managed, considered as part of the annual PDR and contributes to the REF return.

Research Impact

An effect on, change or benefit to the economy, society, culture, public policy or services, health, the environment or quality of life, beyond academia. This needs to be evidenced for the REF.

Research Output(s)

Synonym: Output

The result of research or innovation activity, by an individual or individuals, that may be wholly in written form or in the form of a composition, performance, exhibition or creative or other approved format.

Retention Schedule

A document which lists the record types of an organisation together with the length of time each must be retained and the reason why.

University Retention Schedules


Synonym: Pathway

A route is an approved course of study leading to a given qualification in a particular subject. The diet (combination of modules to be taken) is associated with the route of study, and the route is associated to a course (which defines the structure that is applied to delivery of the diet in question).


Scheduled Hours

Synonym: Timetabled Hours

Scheduled hours are those formally included in students' timetables. They include time spent in contact with academic staff either online or in person, for the purposes of learning, teaching and assessment (including feedback), as well as other directed activities.

Service Desk

A point of contact to accept, record and report requests and issues from user. The University has a number of departments with a Service Desk function.

Service Status

The latest status of all of the University’s IT systems and services can be seen using the service status page. This page will be updated by the Service Desk whenever they are aware of a service affecting incident. This page can be used for reference if you are experiencing problems accessing our services.

Special Category Data

Data that reveals racial or ethnic origin, political opinion, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, processing of genetic or biometric data, health data, sexual orientation and criminal conviction data.

Study Abroad

Synonym: Study Exchange

This is a general term that encompasses the student mobility programmes for both inbound and outbound students at the University of Portsmouth.

Subject Benchmark Statement

Subject Benchmark Statements describe the nature of study and the academic standards expected of graduates in specific subject areas, and are an important reference point across the higher education sector.

Summative Assessment

Summative assessments evaluate the performance of a student against a learning outcome at the required academic level and contribute towards final results.


Teaching Block

Synonym: Semester (Historic)

The academic period in which the module will be delivered in a given academic year. Teaching Block 1 typically commences in September. Teaching Block 2 typically commences in January.










  • AAD: School of Architecture, Art & Design
  • ACCFIN: (Historical) - Department of Accounting and Finance
  • ACCFM: Accounting and Financial Management Subject Group
  • ACCLAW: (Historical) - Department of Accounting and Law
  • ACE: Application Control Engine
  • AD(GEEP): Associate Dead (Global Engagement and External Partnerships)
  • AD(RI): Associate Dean (Research and Innovation)
  • ADA: Associate Dean – Academics
  • ADDACS: Automated Direct Debit Amendments and Cancellation Service
  • ADEM: (Historical) - School of Art, Design and Media
  • ADM: Application Development & Maintenance
  • ADP: (Historical) School of Art, Design, and Performance
  • ADR: Associate Dean – Research
  • ADS: Associate Dean – Students
  • AEF: School of Accounting, Economcs and Finance
  • APA: Academic Professional Apprenticeship
  • APEX: Academic Professional Excellence
  • ARCH: (Historical) School of Architecture
  • ARTDES: (Historical) - School of Art and Design
  • ARWAS: Academic Registry Weekly Admissions Statistics
  • ASDAC: Additional Support and Disability Advice Centre
  • ASK: Academic Skills Unit
  • ASQP: Academic Standards, Quality and Partnerships
  • ASTA: ASTA Technology UK Ltd
  • AUDDIS: Automated Direct Debit Instruction Service
  • AuthN: Authentication
  • AuthZ: Authorisation


  • BAL: Business and Law
  • BIOL: (Historical) School of Biological Sciences
  • BMGB: Generalist Business Subject Group
  • BOE: Board of Examiners
  • BOS: Board of Studies
  • BSRO: Business Services and Research Office


  • CADI: Centre for Academic and Digital Innovation
  • CAS: Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies
  • CBO: Course Block Occurrence
  • CCI: Creative and Cultural Industries
  • CCIXR: Centre for Creative and Immersive eXtended Reality
  • CEG: Cambridge Education Group
  • CEI: Centre for Enzyme Innovation
  • CL: Course Leader
  • CMA: Competition and Markets Authority
  • CMS: Content Management System
  • COMP: School of Computing
  • CPD: Continuing Professional Development
  • CRM: Customer Relationship Management
  • CSD: Course Specification Document
  • CTS: (Historical) Department of Creative Technologies
  • CTU: Central Timetabling Unit
  • CVEG: (Historical) - Department of Civil Engineering


  • DAS: Department of Academic Services
  • DCL: Definitive Course List
  • DCQE: Department for Curriculum and Quality Enhancement
  • DCR: Data Change Request
  • DHCP: School of Dental, Health and Care Professionals
  • DPA 2018: Data Protection Act 2018
  • DPIA: Data Protection Impact Assessment
  • DPO: Data Protection Officer
  • DSA : Disabled Students' Allowance
  • DSAA: Department for Student and Academic Administration
  • DSES: (Historical) Department of Sport and Excercise Science


  • E&D: Equality and Diversity
  • ECE: (Historical) - Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
  • ECF: Extenuating Circumstance Forms
  • ECFIN: Economics and Finance Subject Group
  • ECON: (Historical) - Department of Economics
  • EDAM: (Historical) - School of Environmental Design and Management
  • EDSOC: School of Education and Sociology
  • EEL: Extreme Environment Laboratories
  • EIR: Entrepreneurs in Residence
  • ELS: School of the Environment and Life Sciences
  • ENG: (Historical) - School of Engineering
  • EPG: Executive Planning Group
  • ESS: Employee Self Service


  • FHEA: Fellow (of the) Higher Education Academy
  • FHEQ: Framework for Higher Education Qualification
  • FHSS: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
  • FMC: (Historical) School of Film, Media and Communication
  • FMCT: School of Film, Media and Creative Technologies
  • FMRAC: Faculty Marketing, Recruitment and Admissions Committee
  • FOI: Freedom of Information Act 2000
  • FTE: Full Time Equivalent


  • GDPR: General Data Protection Regulation
  • GEOG: (Historical) Department of Geography
  • GPROF: Graduate Students Professional Development
  • GSDP: Graduate School Development Programme


  • HEA: Higher Education Academy
  • HECoS: Higher Education Classification of Subjects
  • HEFCE: Higher Education Funding Council for England
  • HESA: Higher Education Statistics Authority
  • HoD: Head of Department
  • HoS: Head of School
  • HR: Human Resources
  • HRMM: (Historical) - Department of Human Resources and Marketing Management
  • HSS: Humanities and Social Sciences


  • ICG: Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation
  • ICJS: (Historical) - Institute of Criminal Justice Studies
  • ICO: Information Commissioner's Office
  • ICP: International College Portsmouth
  • IIR: Institute of Industrial Research Group
  • IPO: IPP Occurrence
  • IPP: Institution Published Programme
  • IS: Information Services
  • ITIL: Information Technology Infrastructure



  • KEF: Knowledge Excellence Framework


  • LATW: Learning at Work
  • LAW: School of Law
  • LIA: Legitimate Interests Assessment


  • MA: Master of Arts
  • MAB: Module Assessment Board
  • MAC: Marketing Advancement and Communications
  • MATH: (Historical) - Department of Mathematics
  • MD: Doctor of Medicine
  • MDE: (Historical) - Department of Mechanical and Design Engineering
  • MFA: Multi-Factor Authentication
  • MKTG: Marketing Subject Group
  • MPhil: Master of Philosophy
  • MRAC: Marketing, Recruitment and Admissions Committee
  • MRes: Master of Research
  • MRKS: Marketing and Sales Subject Group


  • NPV: Net Present Value
  • NSS: National Student Survey


  • OCD: Online Course Developer
  • OFS: Office for Students
  • OLAF: Online application form
  • OSHRM: Organisation Studies and Human Resource Management Subject Group
  • OSM: Operations and Systems Management Subject Group
  • OSP: School of Organisations, Systems and People


  • PAL: Partner associate lecturers
  • PBS: Portsmouth Business School
  • PDR: Performance and Development Review
  • PG: Postgraduate
  • PGR: Postgraduate Research
  • PGT: Postgraduate Taught
  • PHBM: (Historical) School of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences
  • PhD: Doctor of Philosophy
  • PO: Purchase Order
  • PRES: Postgraduate Research Experience Survey
  • ProfDoc: Professional Doctorate
  • PSD: Programme Specification Document
  • PSHS: School of Psychology, Sport and Health Sciences
  • PSRB: Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies
  • PSYC: (Historical) Department of Psychology
  • PTES: Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey
  • PT(H)L: Portsmouth Technopol Holdings Ltd (Closed 2019)
  • PTL: Portsmouth Technopol Ltd


  • QAA: Quality Assurance Agency


  • RAO: Recruitment and Outreach
  • REF: Research Excellence Framework
  • RIS: Research and Innovation Services
  • RMC: Recruitment, Marketing and Communications
  • ROI: Return on Investment
  • RP: Revolution Plastics
  • RPL: Recognition of Prior Learning
  • RT[#]: Registry Transformation [phase number]


  • SAH: Science and Health
  • SAR: Subject Access Request
  • SASHPL: (Historical) School of Area Studies, History, Politics and Literature
  • SASSHPL: School of Area Studies, Sociology, History, Polictics and Literature
  • SBS: (Historical) - Department of Strategy and Business Systems
  • SCAFM: (Historical) - School of Creative Arts, Film and Media
  • SCCJ: School of Criminology and Criminal Justice
  • SCES: School of Civil Engineering and Surveying
  • SECO: Student Experience and Course Outcomes Report
  • SECS: (Historical) - School of Education and Continuing Studies
  • SEES: School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
  • SEGG: School of the Environment, Geography and Geosciences
  • SEI: Strategy Enterprise and Innovation Subject Group
  • SELL: School of Education, Languages and Linguistics
  • SENE: School of Energy and Electronic Engineering
  • SFE: Student Fiance England
  • SHCP: School of Health and Care Professions
  • SHES: School of Sport, Health and Excercise Science
  • SHSSW: (Historical) School of Health Sciences and Social Work
  • SITS: Strategic Information Technology Systems
  • SLAL: School of Languages and Applied Linguistics
  • SLAS: (Historical) - School of Languages and Area Studies
  • SLC: Student Loan Company
  • SLT: Senior Leadership Team
  • SMAP: School of Mathematics and Physics
  • SMDE: School of Mechanical and Design Engineering
  • SMI: School of Strategy, Marketing and Innovation
  • SMPA: (Historical) - School of Media and Performing Arts
  • SMPBS: School of Medicine, Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences
  • SMT: Senior Management Team
  • SPCD: School of Professionals Complementary to Medicine
  • SRG: Senior Recruitment Group
  • SSHLS: (Historical) - School of Social, Historical and Literary Studies
  • SSO: Single Sign On
  • SSP: Student System Programme
  • SU: Students' Union
  • SVC: Student Voice Committee


  • T4: Terminal 4
  • TECH: Technology
  • TEF: Teaching Excellence Framework
  • TEL: Technology Enhanced Learning
  • TEPL: Technology Enterprises Portsmouth Ltd
  • THE: Times Higher Education
  • TSR: The Student Room


  • UAC: University Admissions Centre
  • UCAS: Universities and Colleges Admissions Service
  • UCEA: The Universities and Colleges Employers Association
  • UEB: University Executive Board
  • UG: Undergraduate
  • UKVI: UK Visas and Immigration
  • UoP: University of Portsmouth
  • UoPL: University of Portsmouth London
  • UOPM: University of Portsmouth Malaysia Sdn Bhd
  • UPDA: University of Portsmouth Dental Academy
  • UPAS: University of Portsmouth Academic Services (London Campus)
  • UPEL: University of Portsmouth Enterprises Ltd
  • UPIL: University of Portsmouth Investments Ltd
  • UPSL: University of Portsmouth Services Ltd
  • UPSU: University of Portsmouth Students' Union
  • URIC: University Research and Innovation Committee


  • VLE: Virtual Learning Environment





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