Our Academic Structure
Explore the faculties, schools and departments that make up our academic structure
The University is structured into faculties, schools and departments, and each plays a role in organising the teaching and research that we do.
Faculties are at the top of our hierarchy, and cover a broad range of subjects. Each faculty is home to multiple schools and departments, each of which focus on more specific areas of teaching and research.
As well as offering specific academic and careers support, faculties host targeted events, workshops, and opportunities for students.
Our 5 faculties
- Faculty of Business and Law
- Faculty of Creative and Cultural Industries
- Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Faculty of Science and Health
- Faculty of Technology
Schools and departments
Schools and departments sit beneath our faculties. They focus on a narrower range of subjects and expertise.
Your course sits within both a school or department, and a faculty – so for example, our BA (Hons) Graphic Design is delivered in our School of Architecture, Art and Design, which sits in our Faculty of Creative and Cultural Industries.
Your course handbook will tell you which school or department relates to your course.
You can access specialist support within your faculty and school or department – including specific support tutors, careers advice, and subject specialist librarians – while you're studying.
Your personal tutor will be based in the school or department that delivers your course. They're a member of staff with a specialist subject close to your degree subject – they can support you during your studies, offer field specific knowledge, discuss career opportunities with you, and write you a reference once you graduate.
Each school is also linked to a MyPort Information Hub where you'll submit coursework during your degree.
Get help through the MyPort Information Hub
If you're a current student, the MyPort Hub is your first port of call for any aspect of University life. From questions about your course, to what support services are available to you - contact the MyPort team to find what you need:
- Live chat - which appears as a purple box in the bottom right of all MyPort web pages
- Email - myport@port.ac.uk
Phone - +44 (0)23 9284 4444
In person - University House, Winston Churchill Ave, Southsea, Portsmouth PO1 2UP
Opening hours
The MyPort Hub team is available from 8.30am to 5.00pm Monday to Thursday, and from 8.30am to 4.00pm on Friday.