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Finding a job
To enter the field of palaeontology it is likely that you will need to undertake further study of some kind. For anyone wishing to work in the museum sector or the oil and gas industry a postgraduate qualification would be required. For anyone wishing to enter the geotechnical, environmental or construction sectors a relevant postgraduate qualification would be desirable and for those wishing to become a researcher whether in a university or research institution, you would need a PhD.
On this page you will find details of further study courses to consider if you wish to specialise further in the paleontological field, and job sites to browse if you are broadening your graduate job search to different sectors.
Further study
Examples of relevant postgraduate courses include:
- MSc Palaeobiology
- MSc Micropalaeontology
- MA Museum Studies
- MRes/MPhil/PhD in Palaeontology
- MSc (Res) Palaeontology and Geobiology
- MSc Engineering Geology
- MSc Environmental Geology and Land Contamination
- MSc Geological and Environmental Hazards
- MSc Archaeology (Palaeoanthropology)
- MSc Palaeoanthropology and Palaeolithic Archaeology
The universities providing postgraduate courses in this subject area include University of Birmingham, University of Bristol, University of Edinburgh, University of Leicester, University College London, University of Manchester, University of Portsmouth and University of Southampton. You can research postgraduate course options on the Prospects or FindAMasters websites.

Where to find opportunities
Use the following job sites to kickstart your job search:
Explore the Palaeontology Career Guide
Your guide to building a career with a Palaeontology degree.
Palaeontologist Museum/gallery curator exhibitions education Research scientist (physical sciences) Higher education lecturer Palynologist or stratigrapher Environmental Engineering geologist Geotechnician Geological surveyor Programme researcher Geochemist Geoscientist Science writer

Getting started with Palaeontology
Take the first steps to researching a career with a Palaeontology degree.

Gaining experience in Palaeontology
Find out about gaining work experience during your studies.