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Accounting, Finance and Economics
Your career guide
High wages and a demand for skilled workers make the accounting, finance, and economics sectors attractive for recent graduates despite the industry challenges in recent years.
The most recognised graduate recruiters in the industry are large multinational accountancy firms, but there are also opportunities in small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that are based in local areas.
For economists, the largest employer is the Civil Service through the Government Economic Service (GES). The Bank of England also provides vacancies through its graduate development programme.
Explore the Accounting, finance and economics Career Guide
Getting started in the industry
Explore job profiles and find out how to stay up to date with the latest news on the industry.

Gaining experience in accounting, finance and economics
Learn about the types of work experience opportunities available in accounting, finance and economics and where to find them.

Finding a job in the sector
Explore the different ways you can find employment after you graduate from accounting, finance and economics.

Get in touch
Rosalind Franklin East, 28 Guildhall Walk, Portsmouth, PO1 2DD