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Computing and IT
Your Career Guide
The IT sector is constantly changing with developments and advancements in technology. Some roles in this area can be highly technical - requiring knowledge of software management and coding - whilst other jobs require a high degree of soft skills, such as communication skills, problem-solving skills and an eye for detail when selling products, developing ideas and new ways of working.
Fortunately, despite recent challenges posed by COVID-19, the UK’s information technology sector has shown its resilience through continued growth, with skilled workers, including recent graduates, needed to supply a dynamic workforce.
Figures from Tech Nation’s UK tech in 2020 review (sourced through Prospects.ac.uk) identified that just under three million people were employed in the UK’s digital tech economy - an increase of 11% within two years. Furthermore, at the end of 2020 a tenth of all UK job vacancies were tech roles, with continued growth in 2021.
Whilst large IT companies are typical recruiters of computing and IT professionals, the public sector, telecommunications, financial services, retail, manufacturing and games development companies also largely recruit in this area.
Explore the Computing and IT Career Guide
Getting started in computing and IT
Take the first steps to beginning your career in Computing and IT.

Gaining experience in computing and IT
Find out how to build your experience in Computing and IT while you study.

Finding a job in computing and IT
Explore different ways you can find employment in Computing and IT after you graduate.