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Charity and Third Sector
Your career guide
The charity, not-for-profit and volunteering sector is a diverse employment area both in terms of working environment and job role. There are opportunities to work anywhere in the world in hands-on roles, fundraising and campaigning or behind the scenes in finance or administration.
Increased emphasis on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has resulted in the creation of CSR roles within large companies as well as investment in volunteering opportunities for staff, and therefore volunteering coordinator positions.
There has also been an increase in graduate fundraiser positions and the Institute of Fundraising now promotes fundraising as a career path, offering a range of courses up to International Advanced Diploma level.
Competition for roles can be high and even though the pay is usually low in comparison to the private sector, this is offset by higher than average levels of job satisfaction and the ability to make a significant difference in the lives of others.
Explore the Charity and Third-Sector Career Guide
Getting started in charities and the third sector
Take the first steps to beginning your career in charities and the third-sector.

Gaining experience in charities and the third sector
Find out how to build your experience in charities and the third-sector while you study.

Finding a job in charities and the third sector
Explore different ways you can find employment in charities and the third sector after you graduate.