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Advice for keeping safe
Your safety matters to us – explore our guides so you can enjoy your life at uni and focus on your studies
Coming to university is a chance to be independent, make new friends and try something different. It's also a time where you'll be more responsible for yourself and the people around you.
From paying rent and bills to cooking meals or going out, there will be a lot of new things to try. Whatever it may be, use our guides to make sure you're safe.

Staying safe on a night out
Going on a night out with your friends can be a big part of student life. Check out our tips on staying safe so you can make the most of it.

Keeping your information secure
Find out how to keep your personal details and your money in the right hands.

Safe sexual relationships at uni
Understand more about positive, healthy, consensual sex before moving away from home and starting university.

Sexual Misconduct
Get clear guidance on reporting, support options, and the University’s commitment to your safety and wellbeing.
Our campus police officer
The University's dedicated liaison officer supports students with any police-related enquiries or issues you have on campus.
Police Constable (PC) Clare Parry is an experienced police officer, who has worked extensively with victims of crime and in the community.
You can meet with Clare by dropping into her weekly ‘surgeries’ at the University Library every Thursday lunchtime from 12.00pm - 1.00pm.
She can also be contacted by email at clare.parry@hampshire.pnn.police.uk or by phone on +44 (0)7392 289776.
Report and support
Everyone has the right to feel safe and welcome at the University. Bullying, harassment, prejudice, discrimination and sexual misconduct of any kind are completely unacceptable at any time. Please report any incident of socially unacceptable behaviour so that we can identify common issues and offer support.
Portsmouth Central police station
Portsmouth Central police station, on Winston Churchill Avenue two minutes walk from the Eldon building, is open six days a week and provides a front counter service to the public to report crime. The site has been revamped with a brand new reception desk and waiting area.
Portsmouth Central police station opening times
- Monday to Saturday open 8.00am to 4.00pm
- On Mondays and Saturdays the station will be closed between 12.00pm and 1.00pm
- Sunday – Closed
- Bank holidays – Closed