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Noise in Private Housing
How to enjoy student life without disturbing others
A common cause of friction between students and neighbours is noise levels.
Noise travels easily between properties - especially through walls and open doors and windows. Excessive noise, especially late at night, can cause a lot of stress to your neighbours, especially if they work, have young families or are elderly.
Listen to your neighbours
Ask your neighbours to let you know you're disturbing them. You could give them your phone number so that they can send you a message if the noise levels are too loud. If they approach you with a complaint or feedback, be polite and responsive.
Tips for keeping noise levels down
- Keep the music volume and bass levels down - remember that walls between houses are very thin and sound travels very easily.
- If you can hear your music from outside your room, so can everyone else. Position speakers away from your neighbours' walls, or even better, use headphones.
- Noise in your garden travels beyond the fence and can disturb many more neighbours on your and surrounding streets
- When walking and arriving home late, keep your voices down.
- Sound travels a great deal in the early hours - slamming car doors or the front door as you enter the house can often wake up those asleep in surrounding houses.
- Be particularly sensitive if you live alongside people who work, families with young children or elderly people.
Having parties in residential areas
If you’re considering having an occasional party at home, give your neighbours plenty of warning, and let them know what time you’re expecting to finish. Anything after 11.00pm is considered antisocial.
Remember that music, shouting, and noise from your guests arriving and leaving, can affect others in your whole street or block.
Keep doors and windows shut to keep the noise down, and don’t guests or music in gardens running late into the night.
Often people’s volumes increase when they have had a few drinks. Ask your guests to leave quietly - this includes saying “goodbye” on the doorstep.
What to do if you receive a complaint
If you receive a complaint from a neighbour, take responsibility and resolve the problem. respond positively to requests to reduce the volume, immediately. No one wants to ruin your fun but you need to remember that many other people also live nearby.
Student and Neighbour Liaison Service
The Student and Neighbour Liaison Service investigates and resolves complaints from local residents about the behaviour of University students.
If we receive a complaint about you as a student, we’ll make you aware and encourage you to try and resolve any difficulties with your neighbours amicably.
We can help students too - if you’re having difficulties with your housemates or your neighbours are disturbing you with excessive noise, we can offer advice and assistance to help you resolve any problems that may occur.
Contact the Student and Neighbour Liaison Service:
- +44 (0)23 9284 3214
- student-neighbourliaison@port.ac.uk
Council enforcement action
Your neighbours can also make a complaint to Portsmouth City Council about noise, especially if it’s regular and persistent. You will receive a letter to inform you that you are being investigated.
During this time, a Noise Enforcement Officer may visit your property - you must respond to their enquiries. They can monitor noise levels, and the impact it’s having on your neighbours. If you continue to make a lot of noise, they have power to seize your equipment and prosecute you with a substantial fine.
There’s more information about noise pollution and the steps the council may take on the Portsmouth City Council website.