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I'm a PGR student, who do I ask about...?
For those of you who are unsure who to contact - other than your supervisor - if you have any queries or concerns, we have put together this handy list of resources. Whether you are in your final year of study or just starting out, we think these are the contacts and resources that will be of most use to you.
If you are a new PGR student, we also have our Information for New Postgraduate Research Students page, with information and resources to help you during the first few weeks of your research degree.
Of course, if you cannot find what you need in the list, please get in touch with us at doctoral-college@port.ac.uk.
To help bring some structure to the long list of resources and contacts, we’ve divided them into four main areas:
- My Community
- My Wellbeing and Mental Health
- My Studies
- My Support Services
My Community
Your first supervisor is your main contact for any questions related to your research degree. However, if your first supervisor, or other members of your supervisory team are not available you can contact your Departmental Director of Postgraduate Research (DDPGR).
Find out who your DDPGR is here.
The University of Portsmouth Doctoral College is home to a community of more than 1,000 research degree students across our 5 faculties. Every faculty has a Faculty Director of Postgraduate Research (FDPGR), and every department or school has a Departmental Director of Postgraduate Research (DDPGR) who can advise you on how to get involved in the local research community.
The Doctoral College operates University wide and arranges a host of postgraduate social and academic events for all of our postgraduate research students. Details of the Doctoral College events can be found on our Eventbrite page, and you can email the team at doctoral-college@port.ac.uk.
Are you eager to make change and meet students from across the University?
If you're interested in meeting students from across the University, and enhancing cross-faculty Research Culture, then you are invited to join the PostGraduate Research Society (PGR Soc). The group, made up of over 270 students from all five faculties, from all over the world and different stages of a research degree, are bound together as a community by one shared characteristic - being on the research journey together. Since our creation over the summer, we have hosted a range of in-person and online events (social and academic) and held a PGR Ball in June 2024.
If you're concerned about asking that "stupid question" or worried about being disconnected from the University of Portsmouth community, then PGR Soc is the place for you! Boasting a WhatsApp Community with a number of groups, you're welcome to look at our UPSU page for more information on joining the Society.
PGR Neurodiversity Group
We have recently formed a neurodiverse peer-supported WhatsApp group within the PGR Society. This very active group has the aim to provide a safe-space to share experiences, problem solve, and celebrate successes with others in the same boat, and has provided a virtual space for members to truly be themselves. If you have ASD, ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia, Tourette’s, OCD, or any other neurodiverse condition (or are awaiting an assessment) and you'd like to join, please email joanna.ashcroft@port.ac.uk to receive an invite.
If you are an International student, or have a query about how we support International students, you can contact the UoP Global team via global@port.ac.uk or by phone on +44 (0)23 9284 3488.
Throughout the year, the University offers a variety of events and activities for international students. Take a look at a sample of the activities taking place.
You can also join the University of Portsmouth Global Community Facebook group which has over 6000 members, and where you can find out about their social and cultural events, make connections with fellow students from around the world and practise your language skills.
For visa advice contact the International Student Team via student-visa@port.ac.uk or call +44 (0)23 9284 5121.
The University has some excellent sports facilities and a large number of clubs and activities you can get involved with through the Sport and Recreation department or via sport@port.ac.uk.
The Students' Union is an independent charity that exists to advance your education at the University of Portsmouth through a range of exciting services and activities. Contact the Union via hello@upsu.net or call +44 (0)23 9284 3628.
My Wellbeing and Mental Health
The University’s Student Wellbeing Service is a hub for learning, advice and support for your emotional wellbeing and mental health. You can get free, confidential help for a wide range of personal and emotional concerns.
You can register online for one-to-one help from the University's Student Wellbeing Service:
The Student Wellbeing Service can be found at The Bateson Centre, The Mary Rose St, PO1 2BL, or you can call +44(0)23 9284 3466 or email wellbeing-admin@port.ac.uk.
You can also contact the team of experienced chaplains for a confidential one-to-one chat. The Chaplaincy is a safe and inclusive social space open to all students, regardless of your values and beliefs. Visit the Chaplaincy at the Chaplaincy Centre & Prayer Rooms, St Pauls Road, PO5 4AQ, open 9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Thursday, and Fridays from 9.00am to 4.00pm. Or call +44 (0)23 9284 3030, or email chaplains@port.ac.uk.
Find further health and wellbeing support via MyPort.
In an emergency: if you or someone else has experienced an incident and/or someone is at immediate risk of serious harm, call 999.
Find further important contacts for support in a crisis.
The International Student Advisers, based in UoP Global, provide support for a wide range of practical and welfare issues, including visa advice, for international students.
Contact the International Student Advisers via student-visa@port.ac.uk or call +44 (0)23 9284 5121.
If you encounter harassment or bullying at University, there are support services available to help you.
Everyone has the right to feel safe and welcome at the University. Bullying, harassment, prejudice, discrimination and sexual misconduct of any kind are completely unacceptable at any time. Please report any incident of socially unacceptable behaviour so that we can identify common issues and offer support. Visit the Report and Support website for more information as to how the University can help you.
Alternatively, you can contact the Students' Union Advice Service. To find out more about the Advice Service and what they offer visit their website.
The Additional Support and Disability Advice Centre (ASDAC) supports students who disclose a disability or require additional support for their academic studies. They provide a confidential service for all students with additional learning needs, and can give you advice on academic support.
The ASDAC team can be found at The Bateson Centre, The Mary Rose St, PO1 2BL, and is open Monday to Thursday 9.00am–4.00pm and on Friday, 9.00am–3.00pm. You can contact ASDAC on +44 (0)23 9284 3462 or email asdac@port.ac.uk for further advice.
Our Equality and Diversity Team are focused on building an inclusive culture – different voices, one community – that makes a positive difference to the lives and experiences of our students and staff. For any questions relating to Equality and Diversity, please email equality@port.ac.uk.
My Studies
The Academic Skills Unit (ASK) offers free academic support throughout your studies. They are available to all University of Portsmouth students, whatever your course or level of study. Contact ASK at academicskills@port.ac.uk or call +44 (0)23 9284 3462.
Each faculty also has a team of learning support tutors who can help you develop your academic skills. Find out more about faculty support online.
If you are in need of maths support, visit the Maths Café, where you can get help with maths, stats, and other maths-related problems, large or small.
The University’s In-Sessional English (ISE) programme is open to postgraduate research students and offers a range of short modules available in both teaching blocks.
Find out more email ise@port.ac.uk.
The support for researchers section on the University Library website provides research-specific information and guidance, including Open Access, research data management, and searching for research.
The library also has information for Distance Learners, including details of the SCONUL Access scheme.
If you are on-campus, or visiting Portsmouth, please be aware that the Library operates reduced hours outside of academic term-time, so be sure to check the Library opening times before visiting.
You can contact your Faculty Librarian directly for support with literature searching and referencing, or contact the Library Help Desk via library@port.ac.uk, or call +44 (0)23 9284 3228.
The Doctoral College is where you'll find bespoke training and professional development courses to grow your research career. We've designed the Graduate School Development Programme (GSDP) to support you at key doctoral milestones, and to help you become an independent researcher and employable doctoral graduate. Find out more about the GSDP and what training it offers, and book places on workshops via Skills Forge.
You can also find online training and development resources via the Doctoral College Hub site on Moodle.
For any questions or queries related to the GSDP or Skills Forge, please email gsdp@port.ac.uk.
Our research seminars bring together researchers from the University of Portsmouth with academics from around the world to discuss and debate the latest ideas. Our seminars are open to all our postgraduate students and academic staff, and some are also open to members of the public and other institutions. For more information email the Doctoral College at doctoral-college@port.ac.uk.
Studying or working abroad is a great way to broaden your horizons, immerse yourself in another culture, meet new people, learn another language and build up your professional skills to enhance your CV.
You can find out more about travel or study abroad and what is required in the University's guidance.
My Support Services
Find forms, policies and other documents on the Research Degree Guidance pages, view the Research Degrees Operational Handbook, or email the team at researchdegrees@port.ac.uk.
Your @myport Gmail account is the main method of communication that the University will use to communicate with you, so make sure to check it regularly, or set-up email forwarding, so you can send and receive your @myport emails via another mail client.
The Student Housing team provides accommodation advice and help with living in halls and private renting. Phone +44 (0)23 9284 3214, or email student.housing@port.ac.uk.
Contact the Student Finance team for help managing your money effectively, and information, advice and individual support. Phone: +44 (0)23 9284 3014 or email studentfinance@port.ac.uk.
If you're facing financial hardship while studying, you can apply for the University Support Fund to help with bills, living costs and emergency expenditure.
The University’s IT Support team can help with managing your University account, accessing and downloading software, connecting to the VPN to allow you to work and study from anywhere, and much more!
You can find support and guidance online, visit the IT support webpages for details as to how to contact the IT support team , or call +44 (0)23 9284 7777.
The University’s IT Training Team offers free IT Training, including the use of Google and MS Office.
The University’s Careers and Employability Service can support you with finding part-time jobs, career planning, work experience and volunteering, or starting up a business.
Whether you're currently studying at the University of Portsmouth or if you've already graduated, they can help you with your personal and professional development.
Who should I contact?
Quick contact details for all of the above services
- Academic Skills Unit (ASK): academicskills@port.ac.uk
- Additional Support and Disability Advice Centre (ASDAC): asdac@port.ac.uk
- Careers and Employability Service: careers@port.ac.uk
- Doctoral College: doctoral-college@port.ac.uk
- In-Sessional English (ISE): ise@port.ac.uk
- International Student Advisers: student-visa@port.ac.uk
- IT Support: servicedesk@port.ac.uk
- Library: library@port.ac.uk
- Research Degree Enquiries: researchdegrees@port.ac.uk
- Research Training and Development: gsdp@port.ac.uk
- Sport and Recreation: sport@port.ac.uk
- Student Finance: studentfinance@port.ac.uk
- Student Housing: student.housing@port.ac.uk
- Students’ Union: hello@upsu.net
- Students' Union Advice Service: advice@upsu.net
- UoP Global: global@port.ac.uk
- Wellbeing Services: wellbeing-admin@port.ac.uk