16th & 17th January 2019
Centre for Enzyme Innovation Bid

Everything you need to succeed

Information for postgraduate research degree students

Here you'll find everything you need to know in relation to your time as a postgraduate research student.

Operational Handbook

The Operational handbook for Research Degrees provides a useful overview of the regulations, guidance and support available for research degree students and their supervisors. If you are having an issue or need advice on research degree procedures or regulations, please contact researchdegrees@port.ac.uk.

Research Ethics

Our Research Ethics processes exist to provide support as you design and conduct your research. Please ensure that you familiarise yourself with the information on our Ethics Webpage, and use the support provided by our research ethics committees as you design your research. Please note that it is mandatory to attend our Research Ethics & Integrity training course during the first year of your studies. You can book this via our Graduate School Development Programme webpage.

Viva Voce | Annual Review | Major Review | Policies, Regulations, Guidance and Forms

Staff meeting in meeting room

Postgraduate research examinations - viva voce

Information for students, supervisors, examiners and independent chairs.

17/05/2021.B-Roll - day 3 ..All Rights Reserved - Helen Yates- T: +44 (0)7790805960.Local copyright law applies to all print & online usage. Fees charged will comply with standard space rates and usage for that country, region or state.

Annual review for PGR students

Procedures, forms and guidance for your annual review.


Major review for PGR students

Procedures, forms and guidance for your major review.

University of Portsmouth logo on white brick building

Regulations and guidance

Policies, regulations and forms that affect postgraduate research students.

Registration | Change of Status | Fees and Bursaries | Research Degree Programmes

29/05/2020.Portsmouth..All Rights Reserved - Helen Yates- T: +44 (0)7790805960.Local copyright law applies to all print & online usage. Fees charged will comply with standard space rates and usage for that country, region or state.

Postgraduate research degree registration

Guidance for new and continuing students.

12/05/2021.University of Portsmouth - B Roll - Day One..All Rights Reserved - Helen Yates- T: +44 (0)7790805960.Local copyright law applies to all print & online usage. Fees charged will comply with standard space rates and usage for that country, region or state.

Postgraduate research change of status

Guidance and forms for making changes to your registration status.

B Roll shoot

Postgraduate research fees and bursary information

Course fees, bursaries, bench fees and other funding support.

16th & 17th January 2019
Centre for Enzyme Innovation Bid

Research degree programmes

Further information and details for specific research degree programmes.