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Research Degrees policies, guidance and forms
Everything students and supervisors need in one place
On this page you can find all the relevant policies, guidance and forms which relate to Postgraduate Research Students.
Operational Handbook and Regulations for Research Degrees
The Operational Handbook for Research Degrees provides a useful overview of the regulations, guidance and support available for research degree students and their supervisors. The Regulations for Research Degrees is the definitive document used for Postgraduate student matters and should be referred to for any clarification. The Research Degrees team are always happy to assist with any questions regarding the regulations.
Below are links to official University of Portsmouth policies and regulations that affect postgraduate research students.
- Academics Partnerships Policy
- Awards of the University of Portsmouth
- Code of Practice for Work Based and Placement Learning
- Copyright Policy
- Ethics Guidance
- Ethics Policy
- Extenuating Circumstances Criteria
- Health and Safety Statement of Commitment
- Intellectual Property Policy
- Procedure for the Investigation of Allegations of Misconduct in Research
- Regulations for Research Degrees
- Research Data Management Policy
- Retention Policy
- Student Attendance and Engagement Policy
- Student Conduct Policy
- Tuition Fee Policy
The following links are to overall guidelines laid out by the University of Portsmouth, and also by external bodies where they affect our Postgraduate students.
Information for postgraduate research (PGR) degree applicants can be found on the How to Apply pages. As part of our application process all candidates for PGR degrees are required to be interviewed.
All staff involved with the selection and admission of a PGR student should undertake the Doctoral College's Research Supervision Event - Best Practice in the Selection and Admission of PGR Students.
Please use the application evaluation and interview checklist form found below.
Once a decision to offer a place has been made, the RSR form must be completed, signed by all supervisors and approved by the Chair, FRD Committee BEFORE any offer letter is sent to the applicant. Please see the latest RSR form below. For more information, please see the Selection and Admissions Information Booklet (Moodle login required).
- UPR3 - Change of Supervisor (.docx)
Postgraduate Research Students are registered in the same school/department and faculty as their first supervisor. If a change of first supervisor becomes necessary, and the proposed new first supervisor is in a different school/department and faculty, students should be aware that there may be a different fee structure and are advised to discuss this before signing Form UPR3: Applications for Change in Approved Arrangement for Supervision.
- Annual Review Arrangements confirmed by Faculty Research Degrees Committees (Docstore)
- Annual Review Flowchart (Docstore)
- Annual Review Guidance for Students and Supervisors (Docstore)
- Annual Review Sample Presentation (PDF)
- Understanding Annual and Major Review Presentation (Docstore)
- UPR8A - Annual Progress Review - Student Form (.docx)
- UPR8B - Annual Progress Review - Supervisor Form (.docx)
- UPR11 - Annual Review Decision Form (.docx)
- UPR14AR - Final Review Decision Report (.docx)
- British Library (EThOS)
- Covid 19 Impact Statement Guidance (Docstore)
- Ethos Deposit Form (.docx)
- Examiner Amendments & Feedback Form (.docx)
- External Examiners Claims Form (SAL6) (.docx)
- External Examiners Claims Guidance (PDF)
- Guidance Note for Students (Docstore)
- Guidance Note for Examiners (Docstore)
- Independent Chair Notes & Guidance (PDF)
- Independent Chair Report (DocStore)
- Thesis Printing Service (UoP)
- Thesis Submission and Examination Guidance for Postgraduate Research Students and Supervisors (Docstore)
- UPR16 - Ethics Form (.docx)
- UPR15 - Confidential Thesis Form (.docx)
- UPR5 - Approval of Examiners Form (.docx)
- UPR5 - Approval of Examiners Extended Form (.docx)
- UPR5(A) - Viva Arrangements Form (.docx)
- UP7A - Preliminary Examiner Report (.docx)
- UP7A - Preliminary Examiner Report PhD by Publication (.docx)
- UP7A - Preliminary Examiner Report Referral (.docx)
- UP7B - Examiner’s Recommendation (.docx)
- UP7B - Examiner’s Recommendation PhD by Publication (.docx)
- UP7B - Examiner's Recommendation (Re-examination) (.docx)
- UP7C - Final Recommendation (.docx)
- UP7C - PhD by Publication Final Recommendation (.docx)
- Viva by Video Conferencing (with IC) (DocStore)
- Viva by Video Conferencing (without IC) (DocStore)
- Additional Support and Disability Advice Centre (ASDAC)
- Applying for a Postgraduate Research at UoP
- Council Tax Advice
- Doctoral College
- English Language Requirements
- Ethics Screening Tool
- Graduate School Development Programme
- Graduation
- Guidance and Support
- Health & Wellbeing
- Permission to Travel Form
- Research Ethics
- Risk Assessments
- Skills Forge
- Student Charter and Graduate Hallmarks
- Student Union (UPSU)
- Student Visas
- Supervision and Key Relationships (Vitae)
- Travel, Study or Work Abroad
- University Library
- UK Council for International Student Affairs
- UoP Global
- Working During Your Studies