In-person and online sessions for supervisors

Covering all aspects of PGR supervision

Introductory and Best Practice workshops for Research Supervisors

All supervisors who are new to supervising research degree students at Portsmouth are required to attend the Introductory Workshop for Research Supervisors within one year of joining the research supervision team.

Introductory Workshop for Research Supervisors

Three separate sessions are available each academic year. Bookings may be taken for the following dates: 

 23 September 2024  (09.45am - 4.00pm)

 21 January 2025         (09.45am - 4.00pm)

 25 June 2025               (10.00am - 1.00pm)

Hear what makes an effective supervisor from both a supervisor's and a student's perspective through the use of case studies and group discussion, and explore the most effective ways of dealing with issues that can arise as part of the supervision process.

This mandatory workshop is aimed at staff planning to be a supervisor, new supervisors, and supervisors new to the University of Portsmouth and offers a general introduction to the issues involved in research supervision and procedures.

Participants will be presented with an overview of the developing national agenda for research degree programmes, an account of supervisor practices, an overview of essential University regulations and conduct, and ethical review procedures. Online research resources will be demonstrated including the Skills Forge software.

Developmental workshops

If you want to keep up with best practice as a research supervisor, we offer a number of further developmental workshops each year.

PGR Mental Health and Wellbeing for Supervisors

17 October 2024 (1.00pm–3.00pm)

Book here

PGR students are at high risk of experiencing symptoms of psychological distress and developing a psychiatric disorder. As part of an ongoing project (funded by the Office for Students) to enhance the mental health and wellbeing of PGR students, this session will help supervisors identify indicators of mental health problems; outline resources available to support staff and students; and provide guidance on when referral to specialist help and support is required. The session will also include wider discussion of PGR students’ transition to doctoral study and mental health issues in academia.


Understanding Major and Annual Reviews - online

30 October 2024 (12.00pm-1.00pm), 7 January 2025 (11.00am-12.00pm), 19 March 2025 (9.30am-10.30pm)

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This workshop is aimed at Supervisors, Assessors (for Major Review) and Reviewers (for Annual Review) and will give attendees an overview of the procedures for these formal points of progression for Postgraduate Research Students (PGRS). This short session will provide attendees with the opportunity to see the forms, guidance and templates that are available, to ask questions about the processes and discuss best practice.  It is delivered by the Research Section of the Department of Academic Services.


Update for Experienced Supervisors

4 November 2024 (1.00pm-3.00pm),  5 March 2025 (10.00am–12.00pm)

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Even experienced supervisors need to stay up-to-date on the latest changes – from research degrees regulations to developments at the Doctoral College, and the best ways to support students in their researcher development training. As an experienced supervisor, you’ll need to complete this workshop (or the online version) every three years. The session is designed for busy people. You’ll gain a broad overview of supervision best practice at the University, including recent changes to the support we offer for research degrees. The session is for experienced supervisors who have already attended the one-day Introductory workshop for research supervisors.

Complete this workshop online


Guidance for Internal/External Examiners and the University of Portsmouth Process

5 November 2024 (9.00am-12.00pm), 26 February 2025 (12.00pm–3.00pm)

Book here

This session (or the online version) is mandatory for First Supervisors and staff becoming an internal/ external examiner for the first time. The aim of this workshop is to acquaint supervisors with the main issues and procedures involved in preparing and submitting the research thesis and the preparation, purpose and conduct of the viva. Managing referrals, failures and appeals will also be discussed. Staff will be expected to undertake this session again after a period of five years without examining, The workshop will provide an overview of the role of the internal and external examiner, with a view to becoming one. You will be informed of what is required of an examiner, including how best to prepare for and manage the viva and its outcomes.

Complete this workshop online


Best Practice for Inclusive Recruitment and Supervision of Research Students - online

26 November 2024 (10.00am-12.00pm)

Book here  

This session provides a number of ideas that may be of help when discussing how best to attract and recruit PGR students with EDI backgrounds. Based on years of low levels of recruitment of EDI applicants to PGR courses (especially those funded by the research councils), the UKRI and REF are now requiring Universities to put steps in place to improve access to PGR courses for all students. Many of the ideas to be discussed in the session are currently being used by other universities in the sector, and specifically by UKRI funded DTPs. This session is likely to be of interest to supervisors and other staff wishing to be more inclusive in their recruitment and the session is likely to be helpful when considering or planning EDI initiatives designed to improve support for EDI applicants and students wishing to study at the University of Portsmouth.


Best Practice in Recruiting and Supervising International Research Degree Students

13 December 2024 (10.00am–1.00pm)

Book here  

This workshop is relevant to all those who supervise international students registered for a PhD, an MPhil or a Professional Doctorate. It is also relevant to those who may be part of a supervisory team of an international student in the foreseeable future. The aim of the workshop is to identify the issues and challenges of recruiting and supervising international students and to explore good practice in addressing these. It will consider the expectations, challenges and opportunities of supervision from the perspective of both the supervisor and the research student.


Managing and Monitoring Research Degree Students

23 January 2025 (10.00am–12.00pm)

Book here

This workshop will cover the main issues involved in recruiting, registering, managing, and monitoring research degree students at the University of Portsmouth. The University’s procedures relating to monitoring students’ progress will be outlined and discussed. Potential issues in PGRS supervision and progress will be discussed and strategies for overcoming difficulties will be outlined. Participants will review all the forms discussed and the most recent Operational Handbook for PGRs.


Compilation Style PhD Thesis

29 January 2025 (1.00pm–3.00pm)

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In many European countries, standard PhD dissertations are based on a collection of published or potentially publishable articles, written in a concise journal-style during the course of registration for the degree. This approach can lead to more publications, better completion rates, and greater potential employability for the PhD students who complete this style of a thesis. Unlike the PhD by Publication route, compilation style theses are completed during a normal period of PhD registration.

This session will outline the structure of the compilation PhD thesis. The origins, advantages, and challenges of this form of thesis will be highlighted concluding with a question and answer session for attendees.

Complete this workshop online


Best Practice in the Selection & Admission of PGR Students 

Date to be confirmed

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For most staff, the selection and admissions processes associated with recruiting a new research student are complex and undertaken relatively rarely.  Unlike for undergraduate or taught postgraduate degrees the potential supervisor is normally expected to take a key role in processing the student’s application and every student can be different.

This workshop will provide supervisors, DDPGRs and others with a detailed overview of the selection and admissions processes for research students, from setting up university bursaries, to understanding the SITS based admissions processes, to dealing with visa requirements for International students, to conducting fair interviews and making offers to students.

In order to support potential supervisors, provide a more consistent experience for PhD applicants and to provide greater clarity of the expected roles for both supervisors and students, every PhD selection panel needs to have at least two members who have undergone this training (QAA, 2012).

The workshop will provide an opportunity to share good practice and to learn from the experience of colleagues from different parts of the university and will explore some of the common issues and experiences surrounding PGR admissions

Complete this workshop online


Best Practice in Supervising Part-Time and Professional Doctorate Students - online

6 March 2025 (10.00am–12.00pm)

Book here

This workshop is relevant to all those who supervise part-time students registered for a PhD, an MPhil, or a Professional Doctorate, as well as those who may be part of a supervisory team of a part-time student in the foreseeable future. Part-time students have particular pressures and issues that do not affect full-time students in the same way. The aim of this workshop is to identify the issues and challenges of supervising part-time students and to explore good practice in addressing these. It will consider the expectations, challenges, and opportunities of supervision from the perspective of both the supervisor and the research student drawing on feedback from past/present part-time students.


PhD by Publication

29 April 2025 (2.00pm–4.00pm)

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This workshop is for academic staff at the University of Portsmouth who have never got around to doing a PhD. You’ve done the research, you’ve written the papers, you’ve attended the conferences, presented and defended the results, and you’ve had the final versions published in refereed journals. You know about the research process; research philosophy; research methodologies; data analysis and you have a good understanding of the published literature in your discipline but for whatever reason, you never completed a PhD. It is possible to submit your work for the award of PhD by Publication and gain the recognition of a doctorate. This seminar will discuss what a PhD (Publication) is and review the Regulations taking you through the process of registering, writing the commentary, and preparing for the assessment (Viva).

Examiners of this PhD type are also welcome to attend this workshop or the online version


Best Practice in Being a Second or Third Research Supervisor

7 May 2025 (10.00am–12.00pm)

Book here

The aim of this workshop is to acquaint supervisors with the main issues surrounding being an effective second or third research supervisor. Although the first supervisor has most of the regulatory responsibility for the good progress of a postgraduate research student, the second and the third supervisor can hold key roles such as: ‘Project Manager’, ‘Experienced supervisor’, ‘Research Methods Expert’ or ‘Apprentice Supervisor’.  The session will examine how the second and the third supervisor can best contribute to the supervision team and how they can manage issues if things go wrong.


Introductory Workshop for new DDPGRs - online

26 June 2025 (10.00pm–12.00pm)

Book here

This workshop is aimed at new Departmental Directors of Postgraduate Research (DDPGRs) and staff interested in or planning to take on the role of DDPGR in the future. Current DDPGRs are also welcome to attend.  The workshop offers an introduction to the role and responsibilities involved in being a DDPGR at the University of Portsmouth. An experienced Faculty Director of Postgraduate Research (FDPGR) will take participants through these roles and responsibilities in relation to the student journey from application and admissions to viva and completion. An overview of essential University regulations and procedures will also be provided.