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Research degree committees
Structures and management
The University has a committee structure which oversees the business of research degrees at the University.
University Research Degrees Committee
University Research Degrees Committee (URDC) meets four times a year each academic year and reports to the University Research and Innovation Committee (URIC). Members normally have substantial research experience including successful research degree supervision or research administration. URDC conducts its business to ensure the University provides an environment for the successful completion of research projects by PGRS. It has a strategic, policy and procedural role.
URDC is supported by the Graduate School Management Board (GSMB) as an operational group and each Faculty Research Degrees (FRD) Committee reports to URDC.
In summary URDC:
- Sets policy regarding research degree matters;
- Reviews and maintains regulations regarding research degrees;
- Monitors the performance of Faculties regarding the recruitment, progress and completion of PGR students;
- Provides updates and recommendations to the University Research and Innovation Committee.
The Graduate School Management Board (GSMB)
The Graduate School Management Board (GSMB) is an operational group of URDC. It provides operational direction for all research degrees programmes and associated matters in the University. GSMB considers and develops strategic policies relating to research degrees that are then passed to URDC and other relevant University committees for consideration and approval.
In summary GSMB:
- Implements, enhances and monitors operational issues relating to research degree programmes in the University including admissions, recruitment, training and the student and supervisor experience and associated outcome measures;
- Acts as a forum for the consideration and quality of research degree programmes and associated courses;
- Acts as a forum for the discussion of research degree issues referred by URDC and other relevant University committees;
- Provides advice and recommendations to the Director of the Doctoral College, on matters relating to research degree programmes.
Faculty Research Degrees (FRD) Committee
Each Faculty operates a Faculty Research Degrees (FRD) Committee, which has delegated authority from/on behalf of URDC. Membership includes the Faculty Director of Postgraduate Research Degrees as Chair, staff active in PGRS supervision, staff with overall responsibility within each School or Department for research degrees and the Departmental Director of Postgraduate Research (DDPGR). At least two PGR students sit on each FRD Committee and can bring matters to the Committee which are of concern. A member of the Research Degrees Section, Academic Services attends each FRD Committee meeting to provide advice on the Academic Regulations, current procedures and to liaise with staff on matters relating to PGR students. Administrative staff from the Faculty may also be members of the FRD Committee.
FRD Committees deal with the day-to-day matters associated with research degrees e.g. researcher development, Annual Review monitoring, Major Review and appointment of examiners. It also undertakes a quality assurance role assessing the progress of PGR students within the Faculty, including completion rates. FRD Committees report to URDC, and can bring matters to URDC for discussion and consideration.
The Chair of each FRD Committee has delegated authority to deal with certain research degree matters specified in the FRD Committee Terms of Reference. All supervisors can bring issues to FRD Committees by requesting that their DDPGR raise them for discussion. PGR students can also request items to be raised by their student representative or by writing to the Chair of the FRD Committee.
Faculty Research Degree Committee Terms of Reference (requires staff login).
In summary FRD Committees:
- Provide a forum for debate on matters related to research degrees policy and the promotion of good practice in the Faculty;
- Have delegated authority regarding the day-to-day management of research degree matters;
- Deal with matters regarding student registration, approval of supervisory team changes, Major Review and annual review procedures;
- Approves applications for extension and interruptions of registration and examination arrangements;
- Monitors the experience of students, including admission, registration, supervision and researcher development;
- Receive and approve the Departmental and School Excellence and Quality Improvement Plans (EQuIPs) for consideration by University Research Degrees Committee.
Minutes from GSMB and FRD Committees are all submitted to URDC to enable issues to be discussed at an institutional level.
If you would like to read the latest minutes from both the FRDC and GSMB committees or groups, or have any other queries regarding the research degree committees, please contact the Doctoral College by emailing doctoral-college@port.ac.uk.