January 2024: University mobile phone purchasing no longer offered

In support of a University wide savings initiative, and pending a UEB approved policy, IS are no longer purchasing mobile phone handsets. We will continue to support existing devices in circulation and staff can still request a University SIM or eSIM for business use in a personal device.


Which tariffs are available and what are the costs

Information Services can provide a Sim Card with tariff which best suits your needs. These are the current options: 

  • All inclusive calls and texts, no data allowance costing £0.28 per month ex VAT
  • All Inclusive calls and texts, 1GB of mobile data per month costing £1.18 per month ex VAT

Other tariffs are available where there is an exceptional business requirement. 


International travel information

You will be able to use your mobile connection in most of Europe and still use your monthly tariff allowances unless you are on a very old tariff. Please contact the Service Desk and let them know your mobile number if you are unsure and we will check for you. Further details can be found by clicking here, including which countries are included in the EuroZone.

If you are travelling outside of Europe, costs vary and are often very high as your normal tariff allowances are not inclusive. It is recommended that you keep usage to a minimum and turn off data completely when going abroad. However, there are additional bolt-ons that can be purchased and applied to your contract. There are 2 types, The Rest of the World 24 Hour Pass and The Rest of the World 30 days Pass. These cost £7.50 and £99 respectively (ex-VAT) and are applicable in 97 destinations. Please follow the link to the bolt-on you are interested in and use the drop down menu to view the specific allowance for the Country you are visiting. If you require one of these bolt-ons to be applied to your account, please contact the Service Desk and include the cost code and budget holders permission.


Additional charges incurred are passed back to your department as part of the monthly billing, high spend users are contacted where appropriate.

Please contact the Service Desk with any queries you may have

No additional accessories are automatically provided. Further accessories should be purchased via your faculty or department.

This can be done once you have received your new SIM card. Please let the Service Desk know your request so that we can arrange this.

All devices that are no longer required must be returned to Information Services. This is to comply with strict disposal procedures for assets and data holding devices. You can request a collection by clicking on the button below:

Request a mobile phone to be collected

Phone contracts can be requested for termination via the Service Desk. Please be aware that this may incur a fee payable by your faculty or department.

Information Services do not have any loan devices available. Please speak to your faculty or department to enquire about any loan devices they may have.

Mobile phone policy


This document sets out the University policy regarding the issuing and use of mobile phones and connections for staff.

Policy  (Under Review)

  1. Eligibility for a University mobile connection is determined by the end user’s line manager and relevant budget holder.
  2. Information Services manage the suppliers, contracts, accounts and procurement of connections on behalf of the University.
  3. All purchasing costs and ongoing charges incurred by the connections are recharged to the authorised budget codes.
  4. Information Services will routinely monitor mobile phone billing and usage to ensure value for money, and will engage with departments where appropriate. This will include an annual review of connections and monthly review of users who are identified as high spenders.
  5. All equipment remains the property of the University and must be returned to Information Services for secure disposal at the end of its life, in line with University Policy.

User Responsibility

User responsibility is set out in the University Supplied Mobile Devices advisory.


Need Help?

Contact the Service Desk: