Zoom Rooms are locations set up to facilitate a hybrid style of video conference, where multiple staff members on campus can connect with their colleagues working from home. Within each room will be a large display screen, a webcam and a microphone specifically chosen for quality when multiple speakers are present. click to play the video introduction below:

Where to find Zoom Rooms on campus

You can book one of the following locations. Click on each to open the booking system:
  • 1.03 - Capacity 10
  • 2.12 - Capacity 10
  • 6.11 - Capacity 10
  • 7.11 - Capacity 22
  • 8.12 - Capacity 10
  • 9.11 - Capacity 10
  • 9.12 - Capacity 10
  • 0.309 - Capacity 12
  • 0.30 - Capacity 10
  • 0.32 - Capacity 20
  • 1.27 - Capacity 10

Booking a Zoom Room

  1. Create an event on your staff account's Google Calendar
  2. There is a button asking to "Add Google Meet video conferencing". At the end of that button is a drop down arrow and clicking the arrow will allow you to select alternate choices. Select Zoom Meeting
  3. There will be an option to add a room. This will be either from the 'Add a room or location' option in the condensed calendar view or, in the expanded event view, it will appear as a tab alongside 'Guests'. Searching for Zoom will bring up Zoom Rooms available at the specified time of the event. There is a drop down option to include unavailable rooms if you want to see all locations.
  4. Invite your guests and save the event.When RSVPing to the event on Google Calendar, they will be able to select options for Yes, in a meeting room or Yes, joining virtually

Your Zoom Meeting will now appear on the Schedule of the Zoom Room you have selected.


User Guides

Use the following link to access the Official User Guides for Zoom Rooms.

Here is the quick start guide which you can click to open in a new tab.


Quick start guide


Best Practice

Get the meeting started smoothly testing meeting links ahead of time.

If you are expecting to share content, have this prepared and be aware that, depending on your sharing settings, people will be able to see everything on your screen (e.g. titles of other open browser tabs).

Due to slight delays and cross-talk, It becomes all too easy for the physical attendees to dominate the discussion. In this respect it is useful to be mindful of virtual attendees, noticing facial cues as well as technological cues for when they have something to say such as unmuting themselves.

It helps from both perspectives if everyone can see everyone., and that discussion aids, such as pictures or whiteboards, be created through digital means for universal clarity.

It can also be more useful to gather information and viewpoints on a level playing field via virtual methods before and during the meeting. Such as through the tools built into zoom for polls and surveys.

This LinkedIn Learning video further explains the ways to overcome challenges with hybrid meetings:


Using the Zoom Room

With your Zoom meeting booked, the host can begin the meeting either from their Zoom client on their preffered device or from the control panel located at the meeting table.

Select the meeting from the list to start the meeting, then use the options form the touchscreen control panel to invite additional participants, share content, control the room's camera and mute the microphone.

When a sharing option is selected, onscreen instructions are given.

You can find further advice on using Zoom or book training from our Zoom help article.


For help regarding this article contact IT Support.

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