When leaving the university there are some tasks we you should complete that will enable a smooth transition.
For staff member to complete:
1. Backup your personal data
Be aware you are not authorised to take any university-owned data outside the University network.
Prior to your exit date, we recommend that you check your:
- Staff Google Account, including Mail/Drive/Photos
- N Drive
- University owned devices such as mobile phones and laptops
When your university account has been closed and devices returned, the files held within will no longer be accessible to you.
2. Share University data with Manager/Colleague
Where necessary any relevant emails should be sent to relevant colleagues.
We always recommend important Documents and other files should be held within Google “Shared Drives” or the K drive to ensure they are available after you leave.
If you have individual ownership of files, you may need to transfer these to colleagues, or shared areas before you leave.
3. Return your devices
Laptops, phones and tablets are to be handed in to your manager on your leaving date. When these devices are returned the storage will be wiped with no option for recovery.
4. Return your University card
University cards are to be handed in to your manager on your leaving date.
5. Notifying others
Not essential, but you can easily notify colleagues of your leaving date ahead of time by providing information and/or alternative contact details set as an automatic email reply
For the manager to complete on the leaving date:
- Confirm that ownership of all business files has been transferred to the appropriate colleague(s) or placed in an appropriate team drive.
- Confirm that all important business emails have been forwarded to the appropriate colleague(s).
- Obtain all leaver's University equipment (laptops, phones, tablets etc.)
- Obtain leaver's staff/university card.
- Complete the Staff Leavers form to request computer account closure *
* While HR do notify IS of Staff Leavers, this may not always be immediately, as such completing the Staff Leavers form is a useful security measure. For casual staff this is particularly useful as contract end dates may be well after a leavers last shift.
Staff Leavers form