Single number reach (3 ring divert) allows your desk phone extension number to be diverted to another number of your choice, such as a mobile phone or landline. The number will be diverted after 3 rings.


Request access

Request single number reach

You will need to request access to set up single number reach. You can request single number reach for yourself or someone else. You will need to provide the following information for the user you are applying for:

  • Who you are applying for (you/someone else).
  • Telephone number the extension number should be forwarded to.
  • The extension number that needs forwarding.
  • Email address of the authorising line manager or supervisor*
  • Confirmation of authorisation of line manager or supervisor.
  • Confirm all users appear in the Online staff directory.

* Line manager or supervisor authorisation is required as single number reach can involve higher call charges when using a mobile phone.


Turn on single number reach

To turn on single number reach:

  1. Call 023 9284 7654 if you are not using a University handset. You can dial 7654 if you are calling from a University handset.
  2. Enter the number you wish have single number reach forwarded to (normally a mobile number) when prompted including the 9 if it is an mobile/external number line e.g. 9 07979 123456.
  3. Enter your PIN when prompted - the default PIN is 12345
  4. Choose the option to Turn on Cisco mobility
  5. You can end the call when mobility has been turned on.


Turn off single number reach

To turn off single number reach:

  1. Call 023 9284 7654 if you are not using a University handset. You can dial 7654 if you are calling from a University handset.
  2. Enter the number you have single number reach forwarded to (normally a mobile number) when prompted including the 9 if it is an mobile/external number line e.g. 9 07979 123456.
  3. Enter your PIN when prompted - the default PIN is 12345
  4. Choose the option to Turn off Cisco mobility
  5. You can end the call when mobility has been turned off.


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