As a student you have access to computers in open access areas across the university, you can also borrow a device from a laptop locker.  However, we recognise that you may prefer to bring your own laptop or tablet this is referred to as Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) . 

To assist you with the use of  BYOD devices  we have implemented BYOD stations across campus. BYOD stations are places that have a keyboard, mouse and large 4k curved monitor so you can plug in your laptop and use it like a PC.

Where Can I Find a BYOD station?

Number of BYOD Stations Building Location
80 Library 1st & 2nd floor
10 Portland Ground floor & 3rd floor
3 Eldon Eldon Cafe
1 Richmond 2nd floor
4 Park Basement Cafe
4 ULE 4th floor

 Using your BYOD Device 

  • Keep you operating system up to date and install updates

  • Keep your antivirus up to date

  • Don’t install software that you don’t need or from unknown sources

  • Consider Physical security do not leave your device unattended

  • Make you have set a password on your BYOD device

Using your BYOD Device (this will be links to existing articles):

Support Limitations

If you experience an issue with your BYOD device you are welcome to ask advice from an IT Helper or contact the Service Desk, however University of Portsmouth Staff will not be able to directly work on your device either remotely or in person. They may recommend solutions that you could try, but as the device owner you are fully responsible for any actions you take. 

The University of Portsmouth does not bear responsibility for the use of personal devices at the University. Any configuration, damage, repair, service or warranty issues are the responsibility of you and/or the device owner. It is your responsibility to safeguard your devices from theft or interference.

When using a BYOD device you retain full liability for risks including, but not limited to, the partial or complete loss of your data due to an operating system crash, errors, bugs, viruses, malware, and/or other software or hardware failures, or programming errors that render the device unusable.

Need help? 

Contact the Service Desk

Phone: +44 (0)23 9284 7777

Raise a Service Desk Ticket 

More information can be found on the Contact IT support article