Your feedback is important to us
Have your say and you could win £1,000
We're keen to make sure postgraduate research students have the best possible experience while studying with us. To do that we need to know what you think we are doing well and where we can do better.
The Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES) 2024 is your chance to tell us your thoughts about your research degree programme. The results help us compare how we are doing with other institutions, to make changes that improve what we do in the future and to keep doing the things that you value.
The PRES is open to all research degree students studying with us for more than one year, including research phase Professional Doctorate students, with a live registration, who started their studies before February 2024.
What will PRES 2024 ask?
The PRES 2024 should only take 15 minutes to complete and you will be asked to rate your overall satisfaction with the quality of your research degree programme, how well elements of it have met your expectations, and your satisfaction within the following themes:
- Supervision
- Resources
- Research culture
- Progress and assessment
- Responsibilities
- Support
- Research skills and professional development
- Opportunities
- Overall experience
- Motivations
It will also include a few extra questions about issues that are particularly relevant to us and to students at the University of Portsmouth such as the Graduate School and Wellbeing.
How do I take part?
The PRES 2024 survey launches on Tuesday 9 April 2024 and if eligible* you will be sent an email link to the survey in your student email account (i.e. your up123456@myport.ac.uk format email address). If you don’t normally use this account, please ensure you have set up an auto-forward to the email account you regularly use to ensure you receive the link to participate.
By taking part in PRES 2024 you will automatically be entered into our prize draw to win £1,000 towards supporting your studies** here at the University of Portsmouth. The winner will be contacted shortly after the survey has closed.
If you have any problems accessing or completing the survey, please contact Fiona Cook, PRES 2024 administrator: studentsurveys@port.ac.uk.
* All Research Students in their research phase, who registered before February 2024 and held a live registration on 22 March 2024.
**For example: Conference attendance, research equipment, study materials.
PRES 2023 Prize Winner | Gemma Lake

We asked the 2023 PRES Prize draw winner Gemma Lake about the win.
Gemma said “I have been a student at the University of Portsmouth for some time now, starting as an undergraduate, before going on to study a master's degree, and then a PhD. My current research is a celebration of the complexities, multiplicities and differences in female travel writing that goes against the grain of the majority of studies in the field which tend to locate 'difference' in binary categories. I was so surprised when I found out I had won, but I’ve already used it to help with my travel costs for a conference in Lisbon, Portugal, and a pile of (really expensive) research books.”
PRES 2022 Prize Winner | Joshua Ugor
Yeah I'm ready. It feels awesome, it feels so amazing. I didn't see it coming you know so when it came I felt so good.
So when the prize money came I actually had a conference in the US and I had a poster presentation there so I used the money for the conference and you can guess it was a good experience.
So my study research is centred around the characterisation of airborne microplastics in coastal areas so I'm going to be using the island as my case study and it's involved me collecting samples in the various seasons. This is the seasonal variation study and I'm going to be looking at the polymer type looking at the size looking at the shape of this microplastic particles in this part.
It's been awesome, it's been wonderful. I have a very good research supervisory team and my colleagues also other research students who have been very very welcoming and understanding too so it's been a very good experience. I've been learning from them and learning from me so it's been a very mutual you know kind of environment and it's awesome too.
What happens to the results?
Your feedback is important to us. Over one hundred universities and colleges take part in the PRES, both UK and globally. This means we can compare your experience against similar postgraduate research students at other institutions to see if we are supporting your learning as we should. We use the findings to improve our research degree programmes and the learning experience of future research degree students.
The PRES 2024 Briefing Note provides some details of key outcomes of the previous (2023) PRES survey, and summarises the actions taken since then.
Is it anonymous?
Whilst the survey is taking place the database will record user details to allow the survey software to send targeted reminder emails to students who have yet to complete the survey. Whilst the survey is open you have the right to withdraw consent for us to use or store your data. At the end of the survey period (10 May 2024) it will no longer be possible to withdraw your data as the linked email address will be deleted and the data will be held so that individuals are no longer identifiable. After the survey has ended your anonymised data will be held securely for up to 10 years and may be used in summary form by AdvanceHE and the University of Portsmouth in scientific, research or statistical reports to better understand the PGR student experience. No individual will ever be identified in any reports or publications. We will store your data securely and all students will receive a summary of the results later in the year.
Data protection
If you ever have any queries about how your data will be used or processed, please contact the graduate.school@port.ac.uk or the University’s Disclosure and Complaints Manager, Samantha Hill at complaintsadvice@port.ac.uk. You also have the right to lodge a complaint about how your data has been used with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).
If you do not wish to take part in the survey, please contact uopsurveys@port.ac.uk to be removed from the PRES 2024 mailing list.
Please note that because the survey data is anonymous, if you have a specific concern that requires action by the University, you should contact your supervisor, your Departmental Director of Postgraduate Research or your Head of Department.
For further information about the support available to you as a postgraduate research degree student at the University of Portsmouth, please contact the Graduate School at graduate.school@port.ac.uk.