Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey
If you're on a taught postgraduate degree, you can have your say
Postgraduate students can tell us what they think say about their course so we can understand what they value and where we can make improvements.
Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES) is open to students on eligible courses.
This year's PTES survey launches on 9 April 2024 and closes on 14 May 2024.
How to fill out the PTES survey
If eligible, students will receive an email with a personalised link to the 10-minute survey, which is divided into short sections and asks you about your experience on your programme and your motivations for study.
PTES concentrates on your course and includes:
- Teaching and Learning
- Engagement
- Community
- Assessment and feedback
- Dissertation or major project
- Organisation and management
- Resources
- Support
- Skills development
It will also include a few extra questions about issues that are particularly relevant to us and to other students at the University of Portsmouth.
How it helps and prizes on offer
The data will give us a better understanding about the experiences of different postgraduate taught (PGT) student groups and allow us to enhance the overall student experience at the University.
This year there's the chance to win £500 to support your studies as well as other prizes such as Amazon vouchers by completing the Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES).
The survey was so quick and easy to fill in that I had almost forgotten that I had even completed it! Therefore it was even more of a surprise when I was told I had won.
Luke Lloyd, PTES prize winner 2020
More information
If you're unsure about anything to do with the survey, or have any difficulty, please see your course leader or contact the surveys team by email on studentsurveys@port.ac.uk.