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Give feedback on a range of issues in return for Amazon vouchers and prize draws
What is the Student Opinion Panel?
The Student Opinion Panel is your chance to tell us what you think. We may ask you to complete short online surveys, vote in polls or perhaps join one of our online discussion groups. In return we'll give you Amazon vouchers or the chance to enter prize draws.
Why taking part and your views are important
Your views will help shape the University experience, helping us to provide student services that work for all students.
The best way for us to find out what works best is to ask students like you. The more people there are on the panel, the more of an impact it can have.
How to join
To join the Panel, simply fill out this Google form. Please make sure to read the Student Opinion Panel Guidelines below before signing up.
University of Portsmouth Student Opinion Panel Guidelines
By volunteering for the University of Portsmouth Student Opinion Panel you will be doing something valuable for the University community. As a member of the Student Opinion Panel, you will help us enhance and improve University of Portsmouth service provision by participating in online surveys, hot topics, online discussions, or focus groups.
A range of student services, including the Recruitment, Marketing and Communications Department, seek to review the experiences of students throughout their time here. As a Panel member we will invite you to share your views and opinions on a variety of topics, and you will be providing us with important feedback.
However, before you participate in any way, we would like you to read the following Guidelines. We have compiled the Guidelines to make sure you understand what is required of you once you become a member of the University of Portsmouth Student Opinion Panel, and also to let you know what is required of us.
- The University of Portsmouth Student Opinion Panel is open to all students studying at the University of Portsmouth. Online application for membership is available via the Student Opinion Panel Form. Alternatively you can contact us via email: data.insight@port.ac.uk.
- Membership of the Student Opinion Panel is personal to you and is not transferable to a third party.
- Participation in online surveys, hot topics, online discussions and focus groups is by email invitation only and invitation to participate will be sent to your chosen email account. We will only contact you by email - you will not be contacted by any other method.
- Members are not obliged to take part in any activity undertaken by the Student Opinion Panel. Participation is voluntary at all times – there is no obligation to participate in any research topic.
- We run University of Portsmouth Student Opinion Panel online surveys as and when required and we run online discussions and focus groups on an as needed basis.
- Ceasing membership: You can leave the University of Portsmouth Student Opinion Panel at any time by sending an email to data.insight@port.ac.uk with the words ‘Please cease my membership of The University of Portsmouth Student Opinion Panel’. The words can be typed in the subject line or body of the text.
- Instructions on how to enter a prize draw will be provided to all panel members who are invited to participate in any survey or hot topic. All entrants into prize draws have to complete the questionnaire/hot topic for which the prize draw applies. Panellists that are invited to, but do not complete the questionnaire, will not be entered into the prize draw.
- The prizes to be won and the deadline for entering will be declared within the email of invitation to the survey.
- There will be no cash alternative to the prizes.
- Winners will be selected by a random draw from all eligible entries.
- Winners will be notified by email.
- There will be only one entry per participant.
- Winners will be notified by email within 14 days of the draw. The winners will have 28 days from notification to accept the prize by replying to the notification email. If there is no acceptance within 28 days the winner will not be eligible for that prize. For all unclaimed prizes left after 28 days, a new prize draw winner will be selected. Again, this winner must reply to the notification and accept the prize within 28 days. This process continues until all prizes have been claimed.
- The University of Portsmouth Student Opinion Panel is not responsible for: late, misdirected or incomplete entries; unavailable network connections; hardware, software or other technical malfunctions/interruptions; any other communications failures, malfunctions or circumstances affecting the prize draw in any manner.
- Incentives (usually Amazon vouchers) for focus groups, interviews and online discussions will be given to those who participate upon completion. The incentives will be arranged after the focus group session has taken place and usually sent out via the email to the email address participants signed up from.
- By applying for membership of the University of Portsmouth Student Opinion Panel you consent to the Recruitment Marketing and Communications Department holding, storing, processing and using the information you submit for the review of services at the University of Portsmouth.
- We guarantee that any personal information you provide to the University of Portsmouth Marketing and Communications Department will remain private and confidential and will not be passed to a third party.
- We will only use the feedback we collect to enhance and improve University of Portsmouth service provision and marketing.
- Information you supply in response to surveys will be aggregated with other replies before being reported and responses will remain anonymous.
- You have the right to ask for a copy of the information which we hold on you and which is subject to the Data Protection Act 2018 and to correct any inaccuracies in your information. The personal information we hold on members includes name, student number, student email address, course, mode of study, year of study, gender and domicile.