Let's get started

Find out how to get the most out of university as a distance learner

Congratulations on joining us. We're excited to welcome you to our university.

Find everything you need to get started on your distance learning course, and prepare yourself for the year ahead. But before doing anything else, make sure you've registered as a student and joined the University

The important stuff


6th February 2019; Feel Good Festival

Students' Union benefits


  • Student groups – over 100 groups to choose from including Disney, Gaming, and Swifties, and cultural and religious groups such as Afro-Caribbean, Bengali, Brazilian, Greek and Cypriot, and Japanese
  • Events – invitations to events like Virtual Freshers' Fayre and other student events
  • Offers – regular student offers in the Union Shop where you can buy your Uni hoodies
  • Advice Service – free and impartial advice
  • Elected Officers – the right to vote who runs your Students' Union
  • Have Your Say – access to the platform which shapes your University experience


Jump into studying

Attendance – students are expected to attend all teaching sessions

Moodle – online learning materials and activities on your virtual learning environment

Library – the central space for study, research and learning support

IT Services – Wifi, VPN, Google Apps and remote resources