Often the hardest part of starting a business is raising the money to get going. You might have a great idea and clear idea of how to turn it into a successful business. However, if sufficient finance can't be raised, it is unlikely that the business will get off the ground.
Raising finance for start-up requires careful planning and management of cashflow. Here we explore the options available and what is the best route for you.
This is an interactive workshop working with other like-minded students & graduates.
By the end of this workshop you will:
Know the different ways to finance a business and what is right for you
Have draft cashflow to manage money more effectively
This workshop is part of RoutetoStartup, a series of short hands-on workshops to help you build your own business. Join us on those that are relevant to you.
Visit our website for more information on the other workshops or search the Event section on MyCareer for 'RoutetoStartup'.
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