Can you identify your values and those of the team?
Your business will likely consume all of your time, so make sure you and your team are passionate about it to make it successful. It’s important that your idea is something you all truly care about, not just something you’ve targeted because it seems like it could be lucrative.
This is an interactive workshop working with other like-minded students & graduates.
By the end of this workshop you will:
• Know your strengths and areas for developmentA plan to build Identify if you need to hire additional resources to fill any gap
• Have a greater awareness of your values and an understanding of how these affect business decisions
• Have a plan to build Identify if you need to hire additional resources to fill any gaps
This workshop is part of RoutetoStartup, a series of short hands-on workshops to help you build your own business. Join us on those that are relevant to you.
Visit our website for more information on the other workshops or search the Event section on MyCareer for 'RoutetoStartup'.
This event has now ended.
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