Roxanne Smith student story

Please report any incident of socially unacceptable behaviour so that we can identify common issues and offer support.

3 min read

Report and Support is an online tool available to all students and staff at the University. It is hosted on the external web pages so is available to anyone outside of the University too if they wish to submit a report.

We want everyone to enjoy the right to feel safe and welcome at the University of Portsmouth. Bullying, harassment, prejudice, discrimination and sexual misconduct of any kind are completely unacceptable at any time. The University campus and community should be a safe space for all to learn, work, socialise and grow in.

If you or someone you know is the victim of discrimination, hate crime, sexual assault, sexual harassment, bullying, any kind of harassment or if you witness this behaviour we would encourage you to report it. The University can use the information you provide to help us understand what kinds of incidents are taking place within our community and take positive action to challenge behaviours and provide support to those impacted. 

When using this tool a report can be made anonymously or as an informal report. An anonymous report does not identify individuals and action may not be directly taken but the compiled reports and data are critical in understanding what kinds of incidents are taking place within our community so positive actions, education campaigns and support can be provided.

Submission of an informal report will lead to contact from an advisor at the University to talk through concerns and explore what action might be taken. Submission of an informal report does not commit the reporting person to making a formal complaint but the advisor can explore options with them and provide support and advice. The advice and guidance provided may then result in the reporting person deciding to instigate a more formal process which the advisor would support.

Using the Report and Support tool is as straightforward as completing an online form and the University would like to encourage everyone on campus to report any incidents of socially unacceptable behaviour.   

It may seem like making a report is not worthwhile but an example of a recently submitted anonymous report demonstrates how reporting harassment can lead to behaviours being challenged and positive action being taken.

Reporting harassment

A student anonymously reported harassment from a group of contractors working for a utility company in the road near the Chaplaincy building. The student reported the contractors behaving inappropriately as she passed and reported the impact of their behaviour anonymously using Report and Support. Despite the report being anonymous the advisor was able to identify the company concerned from the information submitted and contact their Customer Services department.

The complaint was taken seriously by the company who identified the workers on site at the time and they were interviewed by their Head of Operations. The impact of their behaviour was explained to them and the contractors were reminded of their responsibilities of professionalism whilst on site and when working amongst members of the public. Subsequently an email was received from the company with an apology for the behaviour and regret for the impact caused.

This is a single example of how Report and Support can lead to Socially Unacceptable behaviour being challenged on and around our campus and perhaps demonstrates how reporting such behaviours can improve the campus experience for everyone.

If you see it, hear it, witness it or experience it please report it.