Survey title: AlCovid-19: The effects of social isolation on alcohol use.

Department: Department of Psychology

We are carrying out a study examining how people across the world are coping with social isolation during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, and in particular, how this is affecting alcohol consumption. Taking part would involve completing some questionnaires (~25-30 min) and then completing a short survey each week that you are isolated relating to your experience of the isolation and your alcohol consumption (~10-min/week). You can choose to either complete both parts of the study (i.e., the initial 25-30 minute survey and the weekly surveys), just the first 25-30 survey, or to not participate at all. If you are interested in taking part, and are at least 18 years old and drink alcohol (ie you are not tee-total) please click here for more information. 

Volunteers must be:

Age: 18+

Gender: Any

Staff/Student: Staff, Students, General Public

Anyone can take part as long as they are at least 18 years old and drink alcohol (i.e., they are not tee-total). Furthermore, we have had the survey translated into several languages, so we welcome an international audience.

More Information:

Dates: 6 April 2020 - 31 August 2020

Duration: The first survey will take approximately 25-30 minutes to complete. Following this, participants can choose to continue participating by completing a short survey (~10 min/week) each week during the isolation period.

Closing dates for applications: 31 August 2020

Location: Participants complete both parts of the study online, and can do so by clicking here.

Prospective participants can ask any questions by emailing James Clay at

This study was reviewed and given favourable ethical opinion by the Science Faculty Ethics Committee and been given the following ethics code:
