We are seeking to recruit fluent or native English speakers over the age of 18, with normal or corrected-to-normal vision, for a study that tests the use of questioning techniques to facilitate interviewer-interviewee interactions. Participants will watch a film of a crime and will then report details of the incident.

Volunteers must be

  • Age: Over the age of 18 years old
  • Gender: Either
  • Staff/Student: Both
  • Fluent or native English speakers

More information

Participants will receive £5 for their involvement in the study

Dates: 15 April 2019 - 15 December 2019

Duration: approximately 45 minutes

Location: King Henry Building, King Henry Ist Street, Portsmouth

If you would like more information, contact Feni Kontogianni at eyewitnessstudy1@gmail.com


This testing has been reviewed by the Science Faculty ethics committee and been given the following ethics code: SFEC 2019-028