Many people living with dementia are able to look after themselves but as dementia progresses, their family and/or home care workers are likely to help with personal care. This might include reminding the person to clean their teeth or take care of any dentures.
This study aims to explore ways of improving social care practice in integrating mouth and dental care into personal care for people living with dementia at home by examining how this is supported in individual assessments and care plans.
What will participants be doing?
All participants will be invited to a brief interview (20–30 minutes) to discuss their experiences and views on teeth and mouth care. Interviews will be online or over the phone.
Participant characteristics:
- people living with dementia at home and who use homecare services
- informal carers of people with dementia who use homecare services
- homecare workers and managers
- social care professionals (such as social workers, occupational therapists)
This study is open to staff, students and the general public. Participants can be of any gender but must be age 18 or above.
Participants will receive a £20 gift voucher for taking part.
Closing date
29 April 2022.
For further information or to apply for the study, please contact the researcher directly: Dr Dia Soilemezi (
Ethics code: 21/IEC08/0032