We are seeking to recruit fluent English speakers over the age of 18 years old, for a study examining the use of techniques that facilitate interactions under time-limited conditions. You will be invited to take part in an escape room activity with another 3-4 people and to report details about your experience (90 minutes in total). You’re welcome to join with your friends!
Volunteers must be
Age: Over the age of 18 years old
Gender: Either
Staff/Student: Staff
More Information
Each group member will receive £5. The cost of the escape room experience is covered for you!
Dates: 3 February 2020 - 30 July 2020
Duration: 90 minutes in total
Location: Other World Escapes, 239-241 Commercial Road, Portsmouth, PO1 4BJ
If you would like more information, contact Feni Kontogianni at feni.kontogianni@port.ac.uk
This testing has been reviewed by the Science Faculty ethics committee and been given the following ethics code: 2019-028