Participants will complete a mission within Portsmouth (outside the department) for approximately 30 minutes. They will then lie or tell the truth about the mission to an interviewer. At the end of the experiment, participants will complete an automated questionnaire on their experiences, impressions, and demographics. The study will take approximately one hour.

Volunteers must be

Age: Above the age of 18
Gender: Either
Staff/Student: Both

More information

As a thank you, participants will receive 1.5 course credits if they are first year psychology students. All other participants will receive £10. Participants will also have the opportunity to be entered in a draw to win one of three prizes (£50, £75, or £150).

Dates: 24 January 2020 to 30 April 2020
Duration: one hour
Location: King Henry building
If you would like more information, contact Haneen Deeb at

This testing has been reviewed by the Science Faculty ethics committee and been given the following ethics code: SFEC 2019-108.