If you have collected your University student card in the last few weeks, well done, you're good to carry on. If you need a student card to access University buildings and services, or to use as your official ID for student discounts in shops and venues, here’s what to do:
- Applied but not picked up card - if you recently uploaded your photo to www.port.ac.uk/studentcard but didn’t have time to pick up your printed card from Portsmouth Guildhall, then you can now do so at MyPort Information Hub Nuffield (St Michael's Road, PO1 2ED). You can collect your card anytime Monday to Friday between 10.00am and 4.00pm.
- Distance learners - if you are on a distance learning course, your relevant MyPort Information Hub will be in touch to make arrangements.
- International College Portsmouth (ICP) students - if you’re a new ICP student your card will be available at the ICP office in St Andrew’s Court (St Michael's Road, PO1 2PR).
- Not applied yet - there is still time to upload your photograph for your student card at www.port.ac.uk/studentcard. As cards are printed off site and need to be delivered there will be a delay of at least 2 days before you can collect your student card.
- Lost/damaged card - if you’ve lost or damaged your student card, you’ll need to order a replacement from the online store.
If you have any queries about your University student card please email servicedesk@port.ac.uk.
Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) cards for international students
BRP identity cards are different to University student cards, and are given to international students who have been granted a visa to be in the UK for 6 months or more.
BRP cards will be posted to your term time address once you have completed your registration and ID check.
This is a change to the usual process due to Covid19. You may have received a letter from the Home Office asking you to collect your BRP card from the Nuffield Centre. Please note that there are no BRP cards being delivered to the University.
You will receive your card directly in the post, approximately 10 working days after you have completed your Registration and ID check. If you have questions about registration please email regform@port.ac.uk or contact myport@port.ac.uk with any questions.