Students working together

Sign up now to develop your enterprising skills and the chance to win funding for your ideas

11 February 2022

3 min read

There are just a few places left on the Enterprise Programme run by the University, starting later this month.

The programme aims to help participants become more enterprising, and offers the chance to win funding for their business ideas. Students, staff, alumni, and Innovation Connect members can take part to gain the skills, confidence and competencies to help you start your enterprise journey.

You’ll attend a two hour session every Wednesday afternoon over nine weeks, either in person or online, and you’ll also be put into a peer group with 3 or 4 other people, which will become your professional friendship group on the programme.

You’ll also get:

  • Practical training and engaging sessions
  • The chance to win £3,000 to fund a business idea
  • A personal mentor and digital tools
  • Peer group and networking
  • Reflective journal and regular feedback to monitor your progress

Sign up now before all 150 places are gone, and gain the skills you need to be an enterprise success.


Apply Now


Become a Mentor and help others

Already clued up on all things enterprise? Why not share your knowledge and expertise by becoming a Mentor on the programme? 

You just need to dedicate an hour a week to help your mentee put their practice into learning. You’ll really be helping them to achieve enterprise growth and build the confidence they need to succeed in the programme.