11 January 2024

4 min read

Postgraduate students and researchers are invited to get involved in designing a space mission on campus as part of a European Space Agency challenge.

Join the space mission design challenge

The Concurrent Engineering Challenge in April 2024 will see up to 30 Master’s and PhD students from different subjects coming together to design a space mission within five days. 
It’s an invaluable opportunity to test out your creative ideas, meet and work with other like-minded students, and add out-of-this-world experience to your CV.

You’ll gain hands-on experience in various facets of space engineering, including structures, configuration, power, mechanisms, thermal, payload, attitude and orbit control, propulsion, trajectory analysis, communications, and data handling.

Daily video conferences and live message forums will also be a chance to exchange progress updates, address specific challenges and receive feedback from peers.

Opportunity open to all students

Dr Lucinda King, Space Projects Manager said: “I’m really keen for the challenge to be interdisciplinary with no previous space experience required. I expect most of the students will come from physics, engineering and computer science, but there could be someone from creative technologies who’s very good with 3D software for example. The main thing we’re looking for is enthusiasm!”

The event runs from 15 to 19 April 2024 in the Space Mission Incubator in the Dennis Sciama building on campus.

The deadline for joining the challenge is Friday 26 January.

Apply now

For any questions contact Dr Lucinda King, Space Projects Manager on

About the University’s Space Mission Incubator

The University’s Space Mission Incubator hosts experts from different backgrounds to work together on ideas for new space missions. The facility includes state-of-the-art computers, multimedia devices and software tools, and was shaped by advice from NASA.