23 January 2020

1 min read

Harriet and Toto the dog are back hosting their 'Haver / heɪvə/ with Harriet' sessions (a haver is a Scottish term for a chat) with the next session being Tuesday 28 January in the University library. This is the 'pawfect' opportunity to let us know what you think works well at the University and what could be improved in terms of your student experience.

These are informal drop in sessions for students with Harriet Dunbar-Morris, the Dean of Learning and Teaching, and her faithful companion Toto (who is a great listener, just look at those ears!) to collect your honest feedback, so the University can make sure the student experience is the best it can be.

In previous sessions students have talked about many things including their course, Moodle, changes to the curriculum, placements and exchange programmes, personal tutoring and student safety, but you can bring up any other topic you'd like to talk about, if it has an effect on your student experience (good or bad). You can also feel free to leave your email address and any comments so that Harriet can get back to you with any further information.

So stop by for a haver on the following dates (Toto might even let you take a selfie with him):

Where and when

Location: University Library


  • 28 January, 11.30am-1.30pm
  • 11 March, 11.30am-1.30pm