Students and staff are encouraged to download the NHS Covid-19 App from Google Play and the Apple App Store to help keep the campus and city safe.
The app has been downloaded over 12 million times by people across the country, and includes a number of tools to protect you including:
- Trace - Get alerted if you’ve been near other app users who have tested positive for coronavirus.
- Alert - Lets you know the level of coronavirus risk in your postcode district.
- Check-in - Get alerted if you have visited a venue where you may have come into contact with coronavirus.
- Symptoms - Check if you have coronavirus symptoms and see if you need to order a free test.
- Test - Helps you book a national test if you have symptoms and get your result.
- Isolate - Keep track of your self-isolation countdown and access relevant advice.
If you don't have symptoms but would like to be tested voluntarily as part of the University's Covid-19 screening programme at Milldam courtyard, you can book yourself a test appointment.
QR codes are also displayed at campus coffee shops and sport facilities for checking-in on the app, as well as city shops, cafes and bars. On campus QR codes are currently available at the following locations:
- Cafe Coco
- Eldon Coffee Shop
- Library Coffee Shop
- Park Coffee Shop
- Portland Coffee Shop
- The Hub at Dennis Sciama Building
- Langstone Sports Facilities
- Spinnaker Sports Centre
- St Paul’s Gym
Contact tracing for students and staff is also available through paper records at cafes and the booking system at sports facilities for those who don’t have the NHS app. More QR codes will be installed at other social spaces on campus over the coming days.
The app uses proven technology from Apple and Google, designed to protect every user’s privacy. Read more about how the NHS will protect your data and privacy. The NHS has also published FAQs to help answer common questions.