Who are the Board of Governors?
The Board of Governors is the senior decision-making body of the University and carries responsibility for ensuring its effective management and for planning its future development. The Board has ultimate responsibility for all the affairs of the University.
The Board includes a Student Governor from the student body at large. We are advertising now to make a new appointment. This is your chance to be part of the Governing body.
Why become a student governor?
Be the voice for your fellow students
Bring a student viewpoint and perspective to the top of the University.
Build skills and experience for your CV
By taking on this role you’ll be able to demonstrate professional skills to future employers - like interpreting reports, critical thinking, working as a team, and preparing for and attending meetings.
Network with professionals
You’ll have the chance to work with other governors - individuals with skills, knowledge, experience and reputation in industry, commerce, the public sector, or another profession.
What a student governor will be doing?
On average you'll attend 1 or 2 meetings per month, including 5 x half day for Board Meetings: 4 x half day for - Committee Meetings, and one full day Annual seminar.
A two-year term of appointment would be appropriate where possible, but the term of appointment will be considered on a case by case basis, depending on individual circumstances.
Apply and more more information
Any student who will be enrolled during the 2023/2024 year is eligible to apply.
The deadline for applications is Monday 17 April 2023. After this, candidates will be shortlisted and invited to an interview.
More information is available in the student governor application form and guidance. You can also find out more about the role before applying by emailing the Corporate Governance team with your questions on: corporate-overnance@port.ac.uk.