Geology Field Trip to Cornwall 2021FOR UOP USE ONLY


Keeping staff and students safe whilst enhancing learning opportunities through fieldwork.


Fieldwork is a valuable aspect of teaching and learning, as well as often being an essential part of research. Organised field trips and recreational visits also benefit learning and enhance the student experience.


This page contains documents intended to enable the staff that are responsible for organising field trips to ensure appropriate arrangements for health and safety are in place. The intention is to provide relevant information and procedures for staff organising trips taking place both in the UK and overseas. 


Guidance and Documentation

The University's Fieldwork Guidance document draws upon the guidance produced by the Universities Safety and Health Association (USHA), and intends to provide support for fieldwork activities, to ensure they can take place safely and without unwarranted restrictions. 


The general duties outlined by the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 apply to all activities under the control or direction of the University, including off-site activities such as fieldwork.


To further assist in the effective implementation of safety procedures for both staff and students engaged on fieldwork, a Safety Checklist and Dietary and Medical Questionnaire have also been produced alongside the Fieldwork Guidance.


Fieldwork Guidance     Fieldwork Safety Checklist     Fieldwork Dietary and Medical Questionnaire

Useful Information

The University has a moral and legal obligation to ensure the health and safety for persons participating in fieldwork. This includes:


  • Giving approval for fieldwork
  • Identifying the hazards and risks associated with the fieldwork
  • Establishing suitable controls to manage those hazards and risks
  • Ensuring the competence of all staff involved
  • Confirming the suitability of 3rd party fieldwork providers
  • Planning for potential emergency situations
  • Occupational Health concerns and ensuring their advice is followed
  • Liaising with the University's Insurance Officer.

If you are travelling overseas, please refer to the Overseas Travel Procedures for information regarding overseas travel. The options for the relevant overseas risk assessment are:



For the University's risk assessment template, please visit the Risk Assessment webpage.


For more information...

If you would like any further advice or information, please contact the Health, Safety and Compliance Team.