17 February 2021
3 min read
A new secure log in are among the new features on the way for your Zoom experience.
All University of Portsmouth students already have free access to the Premium version of Zoom for their studies, as well as for keeping in touch with friends and family. In the coming weeks the Information Services team are making some additions and changes to improve your Zoom experience.
More secure log in
Please make sure you use the sign in button on the UoP Zoom website - or if you are just using the app, remember to put port-ac-uk as the company domain, and regularly check for app updates. Logging in through the single sign in (SSO) will become a requirement as we enable more secure meetings to keep you safe in Zoom.
2 new Zoom meeting features
IS has also activated two new Zoom features on your behalf:
- Increased Meeting reactions - as well as holding up a virtual hand in meetings, you can now answer simple questions with a yes or a no on screen.
- Live Transcription (subtitles) - if you are the meeting host you can enable this now under the “Live Transcript” button, if you aren’t the host, you can ask nicely if they would enable it.
However adorable, it probably isn't best to show up as a cat in your online lecture!
Other top Zoom tips
Top Tip 1: For presentations, you can record yourself in Zoom talking over your powerpoint slide (as a screen share) and then download that file as part of your submission.
Top Tip 2: Don’t tweet or share your Zoom meeting link on social media to avoid Zoombombing - people joining the meeting who shouldn’t be there.
Top Tip 3: If you get stuck as a cat in a meeting, you can remove it using this button:
If you have any questions about how Zoom works, refer to this information article, or if you need more assistance contact the Servicedesk.