Join us for an afternoon of celebration and insight into the LGBTQ+ VR Museum project.
The LGBTQ+ VR Museum aims to disrupt historical gatekeeping and the erasure of marginalised voices, using virtual reality (VR) to share stories and artefacts curated directly from the queer community. The LGBTQ+ community globally contributed dozens of personal items scanned into 3D and 2D artworks, that contextualise their lived experiences. During the experience, layers of interactive content appear and programmatically respond to visitors' emotions in real-time as they explore the VR museum.
Come to CCIXR in Eldon Building and get a chance to try the VR Experience and meet the team behind the project. Antonia, Thomas and Adam will be talking about the history and development of the project, including their recent collaboration with CCIXR to deliver Volumetric Video content for the Danish version of the experience.
Antonia Forster - Co-Creator & Director, Senior XR Technical Specialist at Unity
Thomas Terkildsen - Co-Creator & Lead Developer, Consulting FACS director @ Rockstar Games
Adam Tuffey - Photogrammetry Lead & Developer, DiVRse Technologies Ltd.
2.00pm - 4.00pm - Try the VR experience yourself and have an informal chat with the team. We will also be organising tours of the CCIXR studios, where you can see some of the cutting edge capture technology used for the project and chat to the CCIXR team.
4.00pm - 5.00pm - Presented from within the museum on our Virtual Production LED Stage, the team will be giving insights into the project's history, development and future.