Begin your career working in the technology industry
Discover the benefits of a maths, physics, computing, engineering or surveying placement year

I did my placement with BAE Systems. I was on the naval base in Portsmouth and I really enjoyed it. I was there for 13 months in total and had a vast array of experiences, not all of them engineering, which was great.
Adele Gibb, Placement student

I’ve just finished my placement year with Geoffrey Osborne, a huge contractor in the UK and I’ve actually been offered a graduate scheme and sponsorship out of it
Joshua Mason, BEng (Hons) Civil Engineering, Placement student
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Are you ready to increase your employment opportunities and strengthen your skills by doing a sandwich year degree? Browse our placement degree courses now.
Contact us
To get in touch, please contact our Faculty placement office.
Phone: +44 (0)23 9284 6263
Email: tech.placements@port.ac.uk