Manual Handling

The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 (MHOR), defines manual handling as the transporting or supporting of any load, using physical effort, which also includes lifting a person. MHOR requires the employer to avoid the need for manual handling activities, and the hazards arising.

Where it is not possible to eliminate manual handling, an assessment must be undertaken to determine the level of risk. Suitable control measures must then be introduced to reduce the risk of injury to the lowest extent. This may be achieved by the use of mechanical aids (see Trolley Tags section), an appropriate lifting technique and other control measures. Please refer to this HSE guidance document for more information on control measures and principles of prevention.

Manual Handling Operations Policy

Manual Handling Risk Assessment Form

This form has been designed to assist in identifying hazards and controls measures, including identifying those people who may be at risk.

Acknowledgement of Risk Assessment Form

This form provides confirmation that the relevant people for the task/event/equipment etc have read and understood any and all risk assessment/s that have been carried out.

The key to a successful risk assessment is that it is effectively communicated and everyone understands the risks involved with doing the task and how the risks are going to be controlled.


Trolley Tags

The University has a wide range of manual handling aids to enable staff to carry out manual handling tasks safely; these comprise mostly of trolleys and other wheeled appliances such as sack trucks.

The Health and Safety Office has put in place a procedure for inspecting and tagging trolleys as part of our overall safe systems of work for manual handling operations. In addition the procedure has been designed to fit in with our procedure for inspecting and tagging working at height equipment (e.g step ladders and kick stools) and will be covered in all manual handling training for staff.

The new trolley inspection procedure will facilitate:

  • Safe Systems of Work;
  • Formal Inspection Procedures;
  • Record keeping;
  • and Auditing

Trolley tags are available from the Health and Safety Office and the procedural documents can be downloaded from the following links. These documents include a Trolley Registration and Inspection Form, the Main Points to Look for When Inspecting Trolleys, an Equipment Selection Flow Chart and a Safe System of Work to assist staff purchasing trolleys and other wheeled manual handling equipment.

At this stage we are not including wheel-along suitcases or trunks on wheels, as these are unlikely to present a serious hazard to users and others. Departments should assess the risk posed by these items e.g assess the level of harm to the user and others that could arise as a result of the equipment failing. If in doubt - tag it!


Damaged and Redundant Trolleys

Damaged trolleys can lead to serious accidents, therefore damaged trolleys need to be removed from service and either repaired or disposed of. Disposal should be carried out in accordance with Estates and Campus Services redundant equipment procedures.


Lifting Equipment

Some trolleys that incorporate lifting aids will also be subject to inspection under the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER) as well. Please contact the Health and Safety office if you are unsure about this or require assistance.



All staff and students who engage in manual handling must have received suitable and sufficient training to enable them to use carry out manual handling tasks safely, not endangering themselves or others


Email if you have any queries or require further information.